Chapter 128

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A/N: I totally meant to post today and totally didn't forget to post yesterday... Ah-em... here's the chapter!!!

3rd person POV (Beast Glades)

Sylvie waved her hands, firing several mana daggers toward Cadell as Arthur god-stepped behind Cadell, with Sylvie's daggers closing in on him. Arthur wrapped Despair in aether and swung his sword down vertically at Cadell. Just when the attacks were about to hit, a blast of void wind erupted from Cadell like a black nova, pushing Arthur back and destroying the daggers.

Arthur flew back and skidded to a halt as Cadell looked back and forth between Arthur and Sylvie, standing between them. Arthur and Sylvie glared at Cadell while he gave them a sinister smile in return.

Cadell burst forward at a frightening velocity toward Sylvie, cracking the ground beneath him on take off, sword at the ready. Sylvie flew back, trying to distance herself from Cadell while conjuring two mana daggers in her hands. Arthur went wide-eyed, seeing Cadell going after Sylvie, and god-stepped in front of her, facing Cadell. Arthur wrapped Despair in aether while Cadell wrapped his sword in soul fire.

Arthur and Cadell swung their swords, and their clash sent out a shockwave that shook the earth and sounded like thunder on a cloudless sky. The aether and soul fire wrapped around each other violently while Arthur and Cadell pushed against each other in a test of strength. Sylvie flew in from the side and immediately threw her mana daggers at Cadell.

The daggers struck Cadell on his left side, blasting him away from Arthur. Cadell tumbled through the air several feet before he slammed his feet to the floor and skidded to a halt with soul fire covering Cadell's injuries, healing them.

Cadell looked up to see Arthur closing in on him quickly with an aether-clad blade. Void wind erupted from Cadell as Arthur was nearly on him. Arthur was pushed away, and Cadell burst toward him. Cadell closed in on Arthur, wrapped his left fist in soul fire, and punched Arthur in his abdomen with a soul fire-clad fist. Arthur coughed up blood, and Cadell thrust his sword at Arthur.

A combination of fire and wind blasted out from Arthur like a dome, pushing Cadell off him. As Cadell was pushed off Arthur and was skidding to a halt, Sylvie flew in from the side. Sylvie fired a mana beam from her hands, striking Cadell on his side. An explosion erupted from the blast, and Cadell tumbled back uncontrollably.

Cadell tumbled across the ground, and Arthur burst toward him. Arthur wrapped Despair in aether as Cadell quickly flew into the air gaining his balance. Arthur and Sylvie took to the air, chasing after Cadell.

Cadell looked down at Arthur and Sylvie as they flew toward him. Cadell lifted his right hand, and forty void wind spears wrapped in soul fire formed above him. Arthur and Sylvie stopped their advance, going wide-eyed, seeing the significant amount of void wind spears. Cadell waved his hand, sending the barrage of decay magic toward Arthur and Sylvie.

Arthur god-stepped in front of Sylvie and thrust his left hand forward, conjuring an aether shield in front of them. The spears collided with the shield, erupting into several explosions. Arthur grunted under the weight of the attack, but he wouldn't falter.

"Papa!!!" Sylvie yelled in a panic.

A movement from the corner of Arthur's right eye caught his attention. His gaze snapped toward the movement, seeing Cadell closing in on him with a soul-fire-clad blade at a speed too fast for Arthur to react. Sylvie quickly flew in between Cadell and Arthur, conjuring a mana shield.

Cadell swung his sword down diagonally, cutting through the shield like butter. The blade sliced Sylvie across her chest, and she groaned out in pain. Void wind coiled around Cadell's left fist, and he struck Sylvie with a backhand to her face. Sylvie tumbled out of the sky, heading straight toward the ground at a frightening speed.

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