Chapter 75

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Arthur Leywin POV

"Tag, you're it!" Tess yelled as she touched my shoulder and started to run away. I turned around to grab her, but she had already used wind magic to dash away. I watched as she skidded to a halt just a few feet from me. We were in the school training room practicing, well, playing tag, as she was dressed in her silver elven robes. I smiled as I watched her playfully taunt me to catch her.

"Oh, come on, Art, you can do better than that," Tess said playfully with a smirk as she motioned for me to run at her with her index finger.

"Oh, you asked for it!" I yelled with a smile. I dashed forward with wind magic, with my right arm extended towards Tess. As I got close to Tess, I felt a tug on my right leg, and I fell to the ground with a thud. I rolled on my left side and saw vines wrapped around my right leg. I looked at Tess to see her covering her mouth with her hand, hiding a smile.

"Hey! No fair!" I yelled.

Tess just shrugged. "We never came up with any rules," Tess said innocently.

I just narrowed my eyes at her with a smile. "Ok then," I said playfully. I burned away the vines on my leg and dashed forward at Tess with thunderclap impulse. I heard Tess squeal as she turned around to run. As she turned around, I activated the first phase of my beast will. I used Static Void and watched as Tess froze in place.

I moved right in front of her and deactivated my first phase with a smile. I watched as Tess' eyes went wide, and everything started to move again. Tess tried to turn around again, but I grabbed her by the waist. Tess gave another squeal as I gently pulled her to the ground and pinned her down by her wrists while I was on top of her.

We stayed there laughing as we stared into each other's eyes. Though, our laughter soon died down as my eyes flicked from her eyes to her lips. "G-got you," I said.

Tess blushed and bit her bottom lip as her eyes flicked from my eyes to my lips as well. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around my waist, pulling me close. Her breathing became staggered as she gave me a lustful look.

"And now that you have me, what will you do with me?" She asked in almost a whisper.

"This," I whispered back as I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. I let go of her left wrist and moved my hand to her waist, where her cloth cincture was. I slowly undid the cincture and began to loosen her elven robes. I slid my hand through her robes and touched the bare skin of her stomach. I moved my hand up as I grasped her b-.

My eyes shot open as I looked around. I was back in the Palaestra, lying in the middle of the room. "It was a dream," I said to myself as my heart raced. I felt an ache in my chest as I wanted it to be real. I wanted to be with Tess. But I knew I had to get stronger first.

I slowly began to sit up and noticed my body felt light. It almost felt like there was no weight to my movement. I waved my right arm in the air, amazed and how different I felt.

"Arthur?!" I looked to my left and saw Mom lying down, looking at me from a bedroll.

"Hey, mom," I said with a wave.

Mom quickly got up from her bedroll and walked over to me. She knelt next to me and hugged me with a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you're finally awake. It was difficult watching you go through that," Mom said.

"I'm ok, mom. How long was I out?" I asked as I returned the hug. Mom broke the hug as she gently caressed my left cheek.

"About two days," Mom said with a sad smile.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really," a male voice said.

I looked away from mom and watched as the Djinn appeared out of their crystals. They stood around us in a circle as Mom, and I stood up.

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