Chapter 127

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3rd person POV (The beast horde)

"You've grown," A voice sounded behind the four flying over the beast horde.

Arthur's body stiffened, became visibly pale, and became light-headed. Memories of Sylvia flooded his mind instantaneously. Sylvia training and taking care of him, treating him as her own child.

However, all those memories turned dark at the memory of him. The horned monster who took her away from him. How he descended through the ceiling with a sword in hand. How he spoke in a demonic voice, a voice Arthur would never forget, a voice he just heard again.

Arthur, Sylvie, Alice, and Elion spun around toward the voice behind them. Arthur's eyes widened, his grip on despair tightened, and he visibly shook.

Elion drew his spear from his dimensional ring and took a defensive stance. Alice summoned her djinn armor, gritting her teeth. Sylvie formed two mana daggers in her hands, narrowing her eyes.

The four of them gazed upon the two adversaries levitating before them. Elion, Alice, Sylvie, and Arthur didn't know who one of the individuals was but could sense they were powerful. However, the second figure was well known to Arthur and only Arthur. It was someone he wouldn't forget until the day he died.

Arthur physically shook, gritting his teeth in fear and anger, with his eyes locked on the individual. "Cadell."

Burakku and Cadell levitated nonchalantly in front of the four. Burakku hung her arms to her sides, looking at the four in front of her curiously. Her eyes flicked to Arthur and looked him up and down before her luscious lips curved into a smirk. Cadell had his wrists clasped to the small of his back, with his eyes locked on Arthur.

Cadell smiled sinisterly at Arthur, "You remember me, boy?"

Arthur narrowed his eyes in pure hatred at Cadell, with his chest burning full of rage. "I'll never forget. You attacked Sylvia and me."

"What? He's the one?" Sylvie growled with narrowed eyes, her grip on her daggers tightening.

Cadell's eyes flicked to Sylvie, and he raised a brow, "And what's this? The high sovereign and Sylvia's daughter? It seems fate shines brightly upon me today."

Burakku looked at Cadell and curiously cocked her head to the side, "The young handsome Lance? He's the one you spoke of so long ago?"

Cadell nodded nonchalantly, "He is indeed." Cadell looked Arthur up and down, almost impressed, "He's gotten strong."

"I see," Burakku said, looking back at Arthur with a smirk. "Well. Seeing that he is with Sylvia's daughter, I take it he is the aether user Viessa spoke of." Arthur flinched at the mention of Viessa's name, with images of their battle in the dungeon surfacing in his mind. Burakku chuckled, "I'll have some fun with him when we take him and the High Sovereign's daughter back to Alacrya."

Alice narrowed her eyes on Burakku angrily and protectively, "You'll die before you touch him, you bitch."

Burakku and Cadell's eyes flicked to Alice, looking at her inquisitively. Cadell raised a brow, looking Alice up and down before a look of realization crossed his face, and he laughed menacingly.

"Hahaha! I see it! The resemblance! The boys' mother!" Cadell's lips curved into a sinister smile. "Two aether wielders. Interesting. We'll kill the mother and take the son, as well as Sylvia's daughter, to the High Sovereign." Cadell's eyes shifted to Arthur, who clenched his fists in rage at Cadell's comment. "Then, boy. You will know it was me who not only took your precious Sylvia but your whore of a mother too."

Arthur's eyes widened in rage, his body feeling hot, reaching his boiling point. He summoned his Djinn armor, Despair, and god-stepped in front of Cadell. He clad his right leg in aether and spin-kicked Cadell in the chest. A shockwave erupted from the impact, knocking the other back slightly, and Cadell tumbled through the sky toward the grow at a frightening velocity. A blast of wind burst from Arthur as he flew after Cadell as fast as possible.

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