Chapter 62

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Virion Eralith POV

We left the Helstea residence shortly after we had breakfast. It was nice to see all of them again. Plus, it was relaxing to be away from the council. With everything going on recently, tensions are high.

We walked down the hallway of the floating castle towards the council chambers. I saw the two guards outside the door, signifying the council was in session. When I reached the doors, the guards bowed, "Welcome back Elder Virion."

I nodded at them, and they proceeded to open the doors to the council chambers. I could hear everyone fall silent as I entered the room. Everyone was eager to know what Arthur knew.

"Hello everyone," I said as we entered. "Good you're back. What did Arthur say?" Blaine said in an impatient tone.

I sighed. "At least let me sit down before you bombard me with questions," I said as I moved to my seat. Blaine grumbled under his breath, Dawsid gave a slight smirk and chuckled. Varay went to stand behind Blaine, and Olfred stood behind Dawsid, while Aya stood behind Alduin.

I sat down trying to relax, preparing myself for the headache to come. "Ok. Now that you've taken your seat, what did Arthur say?" Blaine asked again in an irritated tone.

"You really have no patience, do you?" I asked, looking at him with a side eye. Blaine stood up with narrowed eyes.

"Do you plan to tell us what we want to know or not?!" Blaine yelled in an impatient tone.

"Yes, now sit down," I said. Priscilla grabbed his arm, calming him down, and Blaine took his seat.

"Father, what did Arthur tell you?" Alduin asked.

I took a breath. "Nothing we didn't already know," I said. Everyone looked at me confused. "Arthur wasn't the one who defeated the horned creature. In fact, the horned creature defeated him, and Arthur was knocked unconscious during the battle," I said.

"Well of course he is lying. There were no signs of anyone else being there. It had to have been him!" Blaine retorted.

"Do not forget, Arthur is just a boy. Yes, he is strong for his age, but we can see how powerful this horned creature was. It's quite possible Arthur was no match for it," Dawsid said.

"Excuse the interruption, but Arthur is more than just a boy," Varay said as she looked at me.

I clenched my fists a little, as I really didn't want to tell the other royal families about Arthur's abilities. I looked over to Alduin and Merial, who looked at me a little concerned.

"What do you mean?" Blaine asked, looking at Varay.

"Arthur is a human boy, but he has the body of a dragon," Varay replied matter of factly.

"What?!" Everyone inside the council room said, except the ones who already knew. The Greysunders and Glayders all looked at us.

"Did you know this?" Blaine asked accusingly, looking at us.

"Yes, we did raise him after all," Merial said matter of factly.

"And you thought to keep this from us?" Blaine asked with irritation.

"There was no reason to ever bring it up until now. Plus, Arthur is like a son to us. We will not let anyone harm, or try to use him," Alduin said as his eyes narrowed at Blaine.

"Still, is there anything else besides Arthur we should know?" Dawsid asked curiously.

"You mean besides him also being a quadra elemental. Yes, we have all heard about the powerful disciplinary committee captain at Xyrus academy. Imagine my surprise when I learned you raised him," Blaine said, gesturing towards us.

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