Chapter 50

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A/N:Thank you An Old Friend 001 for being a good sport 😁 Till next time 😉


Tessia Eralith POV

A/N: Trigger warning. Topics within this chapter may be uncomfortable for some readers. Reader discretion is advised.

I was standing under a tree in the courtyard of the elven royal castle. I felt relaxed, wearing my white sundress with a pink floral design. I was looking up at the canopy, enjoying the green hue that emanated from the sunlight. I closed my eyes enjoying the cool breeze that felt nice against my skin. I felt the stands of my hair as they brushed against my face.

As I stood there with my eyes closed, I suddenly heard someone walking up to me. I opened my eyes to see Art walk up to me. He was wearing a white T shirt with brown pants, his hair neatly tied to the back. I looked at his eyes and noticed them tracing me up and down. I couldn't help but smile and feel my face grow warm at this.

"Hey Ar-" I began, but when Art approached me he placed a finger to my lips silencing me.

I stared at him in the eyes as he stared at me intently. His eyes flicked between my eyes to my lips. He stepped closer to me as he was a few inches away. I felt my heart beat grow faster as my face grew warmer.

My breathing became staggered as he moved his finger from my lips, and caressed my right cheek.

"You're so beautiful Tess. I don't think I can wait anymore." Art said in a slow, low voice which I found... irresistible.

"W-what do you m-mean?" I asked as he stepped even closer to me with our bodies barely touching.

His hand that was caressing my check wrapped around the back of my head as he leaned down. He pressed his lips against mine, giving me a deep kiss. He broke the kiss, looked at me in the eyes, then kissed me again. This time he continued to deepen the kiss until his tongue graced my lips.

I opened my mouth as his tongue danced with mine as we passionately started making out. I started to breath heavily and broke the make out session trying to gather my breath. But Art didn't stop as he pressed his lips against my neck. I felt every kiss, every lick of his tongue, every nip driving me crazy.

I let out a soft moan, which is all Art needed to intensify his actions kissing my neck more passionately then before.

"A-Art." I breathed out as my hands traced his chest, which was well defined for his age.

Art's free hand touched my stomach, and started to slowly drift down. He moved his hand under my dress, touching my inner thigh making me flinch. Art stopped kissing my neck for a second, whispering in my ear.

"If you want me to stop, just say so." Art said seductively.

"D-don't.... S-stop." I breathed out as Art kissed my neck more as I couldn't help but moan a little. I felt Art's hand on my inner thigh as he raised it higher, and higher, as he touched my-.

"Tess, wake up."

"Ahh!" I shot up in bed breathing and sweating heavily. I looked at Art standing in the doorway to the bathroom in his disciplinary committee captain's uniform. My face grew warm in an instant seeing him look at me.

"You ok Tess?" Art asked, looking a little concerned as he approached me.

"I'm fine!" I squealed out as I moved away from him slightly, afraid of what would happen if he touched me. I couldn't help but trace him up and down with my eyes, as I felt a pressure in my nether region.

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