Chapter 106

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Aya Grephin POV

"How good is this intel?" I asked the soldier standing in front of me.

"It's good, General. We found it on an Alacryan scout. He dropped it while he managed to escape from us." The soldier responded.

I nodded, looking at the sheet of paper in my hands. According to the intel, the Alacryans were having a supply shipment sent to the front line. If we were able to intercept this shipment, we could land a blow to their supply chain and slow them down a little.

I looked back at the human soldier in front of me, who couldn't be any older than 18. Though, the dirt and scratches on his face and the bags under his eyes made him look twice his age. Many of the men here seemed tired, physically and emotionally. A victory against their supply chain could give the men a good morale boost, especially since people have been talking about Bairon.

Bairon's behavior and antics haven't gone unnoticed. People have been talking about him, saying that if their general, a lance of Dicathen, has lost hope, then so should they. I needed to find a way to boost their morale, give them a sense of hope, a reason to fight, and this was it.

"Thank you for the report. Why don't you go ahead a rest. You've earned it." I suggested.

The soldier gave me a tired smile, "Thank you, General. I appreciate it. However, the Alacryans won't rest, so neither will I. I would like to report back to the field if that's ok."

I was slightly surprised by his answer but gave a sad smile and a nod. My heart ached seeing how much these men have gone through already. But I also felt a sense of pride, seeing how much more they were willing to go through to protect their home.

"Very well. Good luck, soldier." I said.

The soldier gave me one last nod before he left the command building. I took one last look at the intel, studying it. According to the intel, the supply shipment should be moving within the next three hours. I looked at the route they were taking and saw there was a perfect place to ambush them. They were passing by a ridge line that we could use to ambush them from an elevated position.

I quickly folded the piece of paper and stored it in my dimensional ring, knowing there was no time to waste. I left the command building and made my way to the tavern where the strike squad was supposed to be meeting.

As I walked through Vildorial, several soldiers saluted me while I walked past them. Others, however, just walked by with their heads low, like there was no reason to continue.

I made my way to the tavern and walked inside, scanning the interior. Several people sat down chatting and drinking, with some of them so drunk they were stumbling over. I could see Bairon in the corner, with several empty glasses in front of him, while his head was lying on the table.


I continued to look around until my eyes fell on Elijah and the other members of the strike squad. They were all circled up together and seemed to be deep in conversation. I approached the squad, and several of them turned to look at me, revealing that most of them couldn't be older than twenty-five. As Elijah's gaze fell on me, I could see a gleam in his eyes. I smirked a little since I could tell he's been glowing ever since Kathlyn visited.

"Hello, everyone," I greeted as I approached.

"General, good to see you," Elijah responded while everyone else gave me a nod.

I looked at Elijah, "Is this everyone?" 

"Yes, General. Everyone is here and accounted for," Elijah said.

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