Chapter 39

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Arthur Leywin POV

I was currently in the disciplinary committee room filling out paperwork on the incident that happened earlier with Nicholas. Tess was sitting to my right in the vice captain's chair playing with Sylvie who was on the table.

Sylvie would jump around, and flop down, as she would let Tess give her belly rubs. I smiled seeing how happy they were.

"I liked your speech by the way, you did very well." I said with a smile as I continued to look at the paperwork.

"You think so? I was actually pretty nervous." Tess said with a shrug.

"Well you didn't look or sound nervous. You sounded good, and looked beautiful." I said as I glanced up at her. Tess smiled and leaned in giving me a kiss.

"You don't look too bad yourself, you know." She said with a blush.

My face went warm as I stared into her eyes. I could just stare at them forever, getting lost in their beauty. As I looked at Tess, the door to the hallway opened up. I looked to the door and saw Claire and Theo walk in.

"Hey you two!" Tess said happily.

"Tess! How're you doing! Great speech by the way!" Claire said happily as she walked over and gave Tess a hug.

"Thank you! I'm doing well, how about you? How do you like your new duties?" Tess asked as she broke the hug.

"They're great. People keep looking at us and gossiping about who we are. It's pretty funny, but I guess they will learn who we are tomorrow." Theo said with a shrug.

"How did everything go for you two? Any trouble?" I asked.

"Just one for me. Two human nobles were picking on an elven boy. I stopped it and got their names." Theo replied.

"Nothing to report on my end. All I got were guys coming up and talking to me about my uniform and stuff." Claire said with a shrug. I could see Theo was annoyed a little by this, causing me to smirk.

"Very good, Theo if you want to give me the names of the nobles I'll document it. Also, could you write a brief report so I can file it." I said.

Theo nodded and took out the report writing materials and sat down at the table. Claire sat down next to Tess and they were just making small talk. I continued to work on my paperwork until the door to the hallway opened again. I looked up and saw Grandma walk in.

"Hello everyone!" Grandma said with a warm smile as she closed the door behind us. "Grandma! How are you!" Tess said as she got up from the chair and hugged her.

I got out of my seat as well and gave Grandma a hug after Tess broke hers. There was no need to act formal with Grandma in front of Theo and Claire, since they already knew about how close we were.

"So how has everything been so far?" She asked with a smile.

"The day isn't over yet, and I already have paperwork." I said with a sigh as I walked back to my seat and sat down. Tess and Grandma also took a seat at the table with Grandma sitting to my left.

"What happened so far?" She asked curiously.

"There was an incident with a noble named Nicholas, he tried to seriously hurt a dwarf after their duel ended, so I had to interfere." I said.

"He also got slightly injured, make sure to add that to your report." Tess said, looking at my hand.

"You did? Are you okay?" Grandma asked, a little concerned.

"Where did you get injured?" Claire asked.

"Ya I'm ok, and my hand. But it's already healed. I heal pretty fast." I said as I raised my hand to show the lack of injury.

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