Chapter 15

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Alduin Eralith POV

I woke up the next morning with Merial's words still in my head. How could Tessia like this human boy, this Arthur. I know he saved her, but he is still human. Sure he may have a body of a dragon, but human blood still runs through his veins.

I know we went to war with the humans years ago, but I won't let that cloud my judgement. I've just had plenty of interactions with several humans to know they can be cruel, selfish, and don't even care about nature.

Their king, Blaine Glayder, is no exception. He is one of the most selfish humans I know. I guess I'm lucky Blaine didn't find Arthur beforehand. Who knows what he would've put the poor boy through. Even though Arthur is human, I still couldn't help but feel bad for him.

No older then Tessia, and he already lost both of his parents. I remember when I lost my mother, I was devastated. My father barely survived.

In truth, I'm only worried for my daughter. I don't want her to get to close to Arthur only for her heart to be broken. Then again, that smile I've seen on her face, it has brought true happiness to my heart seeing my daughter laugh again. I will forever be grateful to Arthur for this. But I can't help but be worried. Worried for Tessia, worried for how my people will react to a human living here in the palace. There hasn't even been a human in this kingdom in over one hundred years before Arthur arrived.

I sighed as I walked over to Tessia's room to see how she was doing. I knew she was safe now thanks to Arthur saving her. But I just want to see her to put my mind at ease.

As I was walking to Tessia's room, I saw my father waking down the hallway. "Father? What are you doing up so early?" I asked my father in a confused tone.

"*yawn* I'm taking a trip to see Rinia with Arthur and Tessia." He stated tiredly. "I see, what do you expect Elder Rinia to tell you?" I asked curiously.

"I'm curious about Arthur. His powers, abilities, and skills. I want to see what Rinia knows about him. I want to see what kind of future awaits for him." My father replied.

I thought about what my father said for a second. "Father, I know you're interested and intrigued by Arthur, but can you think for a second about him staying here in our kingdom. I know he has great power and....."

"Alduin." My father began cutting me off. "I know about the animosity you have felt for humans in the past. Hell, I've felt animosity for them too. But Arthur is just an innocent child. If we give him the opportunity, he will have a bright future. He could bring great change for this continent. Just give him a chance."

I gave my father a look of surprise which got a laugh out of him. "*sigh*, you're right father. I was being narrow minded. Lets go wake up Tessia, I'm sure she is excited to see Elder Rinia again".

My father gave me a smile, and patted my shoulder. We walked to Tessia's room, and I opened the door. When I walked into the room a wave of concern washed over me as I saw Tessia wasn't in her bed, and the bed was untouched. "Tessia!!" I yelled frantically running to the bathroom area only to find it empty.

I looked to my father who had a face like he was deep in thought. "Father, we must call the guard!" I yelled at him. My father looked at me for a second before a look of revelation cross his face.

Father laughed as a smirk formed on his face. "I don't think that will be necessary." My father said still smirking as he walked out of Tessia's room. I quickly followed my father as he walked next door to...... Arthur's room?

I walked next to my father as he quietly opened the door. When the door slowly opened revealing the room, my eyes went wide. On the bed I saw Arthur laying there sleeping. Next to him was Tessia, who was curled up next to him with her head sleeping on his shoulder.

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