Chapter 69

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Virion Eralith POV

"Are there any updates?! Have you heard anything?!" Blaine yelled at the human captain kneeling in front of us.

"No, your majesty. All we know is the attack is still ongoing," The Captain said.

"Gah! Get out of our sight!" Blaine yelled as he threw his goblet at the captain. The captain dodged the cup and walked out of the room.

"Attacking the captain will get us nowhere, Blaine," Dawsid said as he rubbed his temples in frustration.

"I don't care. These are my children we're talking about!" Blaine yelled.

"Do not forget; our daughter is there too!" Glaudera yelled.

"And Tessia as well," Merial said as she looked at Alduin, who was holding a communication scroll.

Alduin was staring at the communication scroll, waiting for someone to answer. "Have you gotten ahold of anyone?" I asked in a concerned tone.

Alduin didn't take his eyes away from the scroll as he shook his head. Slowly the communication scroll stopped glowing as no one answered. "Damn it!!! Vincent Helstea!" Alduin yelled in frustration. "Please, someone respond," Alduin pleaded as tears formed in his eyes.

I looked at Dawsid, who pulled out his ancient mage communication device and willed mana into it. "Yes, your majesty," Olfred said as he answered Dawsid's call.

"Have you made it to the academy yet?" Dawsid asked.

"Not yet, your majesty. But we are getting closer," Olfred said.

Dawsid let out an irritated and worried sigh. "Just hurry, Olfred, please," Dawsid said as he ended the communication.

"Why aren't they there yet?! If something happens to my children, I will make the Lances pay!!" Blaine yelled.

"Calm down, Blaine. They're going as fast as they can. We need to hope that everything will be ok," Pricilla said.

"Don't tell me to calm down! The academy is under attack! How did this even happen!" Blaine said as he slammed his fists on the table.

"Hello? King Alduin?" I quickly looked at the communication scroll in Alduin's hands as I heard Vincent's voice.

"Finally!! Vincent, where are Arthur and Tessia?! Please tell me they are still there with you!" Alduin said in a concerned tone.

"N-no. They left a while ago for the academy. They said something came up. What's going on?!" Vincent asked in a concerned tone seeing Alduin's state.

"Damn it! Why did you let them leave!" Alduin said as he clenched the communication scroll.

"What's going on, Alduin?!" Alice could be heard on the other side.

"The academy is under attack," Merial said as she clenched her fists.

"What!" Multiple voices said through the scroll.

"I'm sorry, but we have to go," Alduin said as he ended the communication. Alduin slammed his fists into the table out of frustration.

I closed my eyes and took a breath as a storm of emotions was going through my head. I was worried about Arthur and Tessia. When Cynthia called and told me the academy was under attack, we immediately sent our Lances. Mica was the only Lance who stayed behind to protect the council. I hope the Lances get to the academy in time.

I looked back at Alduin, who pulled out his ancient communication device and activated it with mana. "Yes, your majesty," Aya said.

"Aya, Tessia and Arthur are no longer at the Helstea estate. They are supposedly heading back to the academy as we speak, if they are not there already. Keep an eye out for them and protect them at all costs," Alduin said.

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