Chapter 11

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Tessia Eralith POV

When the human boy who called himself Arthur saved me, I was in disbelief. There were four big scary men outside the carriage. How could he get rid of them? He didn't look any older than me, I wonder if we're the same age.

Then Arthur used his magic, which I thought was amazing and cool. If Arthur is able to use magic at his age, I wonder if I could use magic too. But Grandpa told me I had to wait until I awoken.

But that reminds me, he told me humans awoke at a later age then elves. So how could Arthur use magic? I wanted to ask, but wasn't sure if he would get mad at me or not.

So far he seems really nice. He hasn't even asked for a a favor, or a prize for rescuing him. I doubt he knows who I really am, at least I hope not. I don't think I could take anyone using me anymore.

When he asked if I was ready to go home, I almost yelled in excitement, just wanted to see my family again. And so we began our journey home. I knew it would take awhile if we go the main route, but the royal portal is closer. We will just use the teleportation portal to get home.

I could tell Arthur was a little confused about the forest, since I could see him looking around taking in the scenery. I couldn't help but laugh at this.

"What's so funny?" Arthur asked in a curios tone.

"Nothing, you're just making a funny face." I said in response giggling at him.

Arthur looked at me confused for a second. "Um, thanks, I think?" He said with a slight smirk.

"So what brings you to the forest of Elshire?" I asked.

"So that's where we are huh?" Arthur said looking down. "It's, a long story Tessia. I ended up in the forest after......."

Arthur suddenly stopped and I saw tears form in his eyes. I felt bad seeing him cry. Did I ask something bad? W-what do I do? Should I apologize?

I remembered what Arthur did to help me feel better when he saved me. I walked up to him and gave him a hug. He seemed to be surprised at first, but quickly relaxed and hugged me back.

"Please don't cry, I'm sorry." I said feeling bad for making him sad.

Arthur broke the hug while looking at me and smiling. "Don't be sorry Tessia, thank you for the hug. It's just that I didn't end up here in the forest in a good way." Arthur looked away and looked down.

Arthur looked back at me and gave me another smile. "Come on, let's get going, the suns going down and it'll be dark soon."

I smiled back at him as I lead the way to the portal. We continued to walk and would make some small talk here and there. I learned that Arthur is four years old. So I was right, we are bout the same age. I'm just a year older then him.

As we continued to walk it started to become darker. "Ok, we should stop here and make camp for the night." Arthur said as he took the bag off of his back.

"Why don't you get some wood, this way we can make a fire and stay warm." Arthur suggested.

"Um, a-alright." I was a little hesitant as I was still scared I would run into some mana beast. Or worse. Any one of those slave traders. I walked around not going to far from the camp, and gathered some wood. After I was able to find a good amount. I walked back to where Arthur was.

When I arrived back to the camp site, I already saw Arthur had the tent set up. I watched as he walked out of the tent, and his eyes fell on me while he smiled. "Good you're back. Good job getting the firewood!"

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