Chapter 33

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Tessia Eralith POV

The man with very ashy brown colored hair, and deep blue colored eyes stood there staring at us. No, he was staring at Art, but why?

"A-Arthur?" The man said, looking like he had just seen a ghost.

How does he know Art? Art has been living with us for most of his life, we knew basically all the same people. So how does this person know him? These thoughts were circling inside my head. I looked at Art who was visibly pale, eyes full of tears.

"Dad?" He said almost in disbelief.

Dad???? I was caught off guard by this. I could feel the shocked expression form on my face. I turned towards my family to see they were also as shocked and confused as I was. I looked back at Art just in time to see him run towards the man as the man ran towards Art.

"Dad!!!" Art yelled as he ran, knocking Sylvie off of his head, and into my arms with a irritated 'kyu.

"Arthur! My son! You're alive!" The man yelled.

As soon as they met, they hugged each other tightly, and sobbed into each other's shoulders. They stood there hugging each other for what seemed like forever. I started to walk towards them, but I felt a hand on my shoulder stopping me.

I looked over my shoulder, and saw mom with eyes full of tears, and her hand covering her mouth. Dad looked confused as to what had happened but he was clearly happy for Art. Grandpa stood there smiling as well, as he had his hand on my shoulder. I swear I thought I saw tears in his eyes, but I couldn't tell.

"Let them have their moment." Grandpa said.

Grandma stood next to Vincent who both still looked confused. I don't blame her, Art told us his parents were killed. So seeing him hugging someone he called Dad, was very confusing to say the least. They hugged for a bit longer, before Art broke the hug wiping his tears.

"H-how are you alive? The sword..... your chest...." Art said with a hoarse voice.

The man wiped his tears as well. "Your mother, she was able to heal me before I died." He said as he ruffled Art's hair.

Art's eyes teared up even more, "M-Mom? She's alive too?" He said stuttering.

The man nodded his head. "Yes, she is. But she said you had fallen off a cliff, how are you still alive? What happened?" The man said, looking at everyone.

"I was saved by a dragon, and was raised in the elven kingdom." Art said.

The man just tilted his head. "What?" He said looking confused.

"It's a long story, but come on, let me introduce you to everyone first." Art said as he pulled the man towards us by his arm.

Art and the ma.... his dad now stood in front of us. "Everyone, I'm sure you're confused, but this is my dad." Art said gesturing to his dad with a happy smile.

His dad bowed, "Hello your majesties, I am Reynolds Leywin, Arthur's father." Reynolds said as he stood up straight, and patted Arthur on his shoulder.

We all stood silent due to being in shock, Grandpa was the first to break the silence. "It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Leywin, please forgive everyone. When we met Arthur, he said that his parents had been killed. So we are just a little surprised." Grandpa said.

"That is understandable on both parts. When we lost Arthur he was only three. The last time he saw us I had been stabbed in the chest, and his mother was shot with arrows. Anyone his age would think the same." Reynolds said sadly.

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