Chapter 114

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3rd Person POV

A/N: I forgot to say this last chapter, but it has officially been a year since I started posting this fic. I wanted to say thanks to all my loyal readers who have stuck through; it really means a lot. I hope to continue fulfilling your expectations and giving a good story. Enjoy!

A/N 2: I'm also posting earlier since I won't have time later! I hope you don't mind!

"Hmmmmm," Tessia groaned out as she stirred in bed.

She rolled onto her back and reached over to her right side. She expected to feel the love of her life next to her but instead felt emptiness. Confusion washed over her as she groggily lifted her head and opened her eyes. She looked over to Arthur's side, growing surprised to see he was gone.

"Art?" Tessia asked tiredly as she slowly sat up in bed.

She rubbed the sleepiness out of her eyes before she began to scan the inside of the tent. Her eyes fell onto Sylvie, who was standing near the tent entrance. Her eyes were glued to Tessia's as she gave her a small smile.

"Hello, Mama, why don't you go back to sleep," Sylvie said.

"Sylvie? Why aren't you in your tent? Where's Art?" Tessia asked, confused.

"Are you saying I can't spend some time with my Mama?" Sylvie asked playfully.

Tessia narrowed her eyes at Sylvie as she could see something was off, "Sylvie, I've known you since you were born. I know when you're hiding something. What's going on?"

Sylvie's smile slowly faded, "Nothings wrong, Ma-"

"Sylvie," Tessia said sternly, cutting her off.

Sylvie sighed and looked down, "He didn't want to wake you. He didn't want you to worry."

Tessia's heart began to beat faster in her chest as concern washed over her, "Art? Worry about what? Where did he go? What's going on?"

Sylvie looked up as her eyes met Tessia's. Tessia could see Sylvie looking at her sympathetically. "He didn't want you to worry about where he went. As for where he went, he went to meet with a Scythe."

"What?!" Tessia yelled and grew wide-eyed.

Sylvie quickly placed her index finger against her lips, "Shhh! You'll wake everyone up."

Tessia quickly pushed the bed sheets off her and jumped out of bed, "What do you mean he went to meet with a Scythe?! Is he going to battle?! Where did he go?!"

Tessia's breathing became staggered with nervousness; she knew Arthur was strong and could take care of himself. However, that didn't mean she wouldn't worry about him.

Sylvie sighed as she shook her head, "I don't know exactly where he went. All I know is that a Scythe reached out, requesting a meeting with him. They wanted to speak to him about ending the war."

"And he thought that was a good idea?! It could be a trap!" Tessia yelled, concerned.

Sylvie looked to the side and crossed her arms, "He knew it could be a trap. But the possibility of ending the war was too great to pass up. Besides, he said they could handle themselves."

Tessia looked at Sylvie, confused, as her brows furrowed, "What do you mean, they? He didn't go alone?"

Sylvie's head snapped to Tessia as she realized her slip-up and hesitantly nodded.

"Who went with him?" Tessia asked curiously but still concerned for Arthur. "Was it another Lance?"

Sylvie shook her head, "No. He went with Caera and Regis."

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