Chapter 110

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Caera Denoir POV

"You," I said defensively, taking my ruby sword out of my dimensional ring.

I took a few steps back until I hit the wall behind me. I narrowed my gaze, igniting my sword in soul fire and taking a defensive stance. Their eyes flicked to my sword, then back to me. They kept an emotionless expression and stood in front of me nonchalantly.

"Somebody is a little defensive," They said.

I gripped my blade tightly, "Well, I can't say it's good to see you, seeing that we're enemies now."

I quickly looked around with my eyes, trying to see if there was a way to escape. I could see pillars surrounding me, and the individual in front of me was blocking my one route of escape. If I were going to get out of here, I would need to fight my way out. I gritted my teeth at this predicament.

'If only Arthur were here.'

"Enemies, are we?" They asked, keeping their nonchalant face while they clasped their wrists behind their back. "Are you so sure?"

"What do you mean by that? What are you doing here, Cylrit?" I asked defensively.

Cylrit broke his emotionless demeanor as a small smile graced his face, "Well, first off, it's good to see you too, Caera. You're looking as beautiful as ever. Scythe Seris was very glad to learn you survived the Xyrus attack. Imagine our surprise when we learned you were now fighting for Dicathen."

I just stared at him, not breaking my defensive stance. "You didn't answer my question. Why are you here? How did you slip past our defenses?" I asked murderously.

Cylrit gave off a low chuckle. "I see you are not in the mood for pleasantries. You can relax, Caera; I'm not here to harm you. I'm here under orders," Cylrit said as he walked up to a pillar and leaned his right shoulder against it. "As for how I slipped past your defenses, I didn't. You're the one who foolishly walked out of your camp alone."

I gritted my teeth as I knew he was right. I put myself in this predicament. I wandered outside the safety of the encampment by myself because I wasn't thinking clearly. What a stupid mistake I made. Scythe Seris taught me clarity of thought before rashness of action, and I failed to do just that.

"Perhaps I did. It was a dumb mistake," I said, scolding myself mentally.

"Yes, it was. Scythe Seris would be disappointed in you," Cylrit said with a shrug. His eyes then fell back to my blade, and he rolled his eyes. "I already told you I'm not going to attack you. Can you please put the damn sword away?"

"Nope," I snapped as I pointed the sword at him. "You also said you were here under orders. Whose orders exactly?"

"Who do you think?" Cylrit asked as if the answer was obvious.

I stared at him for a second, thinking. "Scythe Seris," I said, gaining a nod from him. "For what purpose?" I asked immediately after.

"For you," Cylrit said, gesturing to me.

"Me? If you think I'm going back just to be used again, you're wrong. I will fight you till the death, Cylrit. I don't care if it is a losing fight; I won't go down without taking at least a limb from you," I growled, trying to hide my nervousness.

"Easy there, little kitten. No need to bare your fangs. I'm not here to take you back," Cylrit said as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"Then why?" I asked defensively, not breaking my stance.

"Xyrus Academy. While you were acting as a spy there, Alacrya received your reports. Scythe Seris found one of your reports intriguing," Cylrit responded.

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