Chapter 45

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Tessia Eralith POV

It's been a couple of weeks since school has started. After the dance, Arthur and I told our parents about our engagement. To say Mom, Mother, Aya, and Alea squeezed every detail out of me would be an understatement. Everyone was so happy at the news. Mom and Dad sent out messengers informing the Elven nobles of my engagement. According to Grandpa, they weren't surprised to learn it was with Art.

News about my engagement spread around the school like wildfire. The Elven students congratulated me whenever they saw me. I noticed some of the human boys were upset, mostly one in particular.

Recently the mood around Xyrus seemed to have lightened, and people seemed to get along well. Of course, that didn't mean there weren't trouble makers that kept Arthur and the disciplinary committee members busy. Just the other day, Elijah stopped three human nobles from hanging a dwarf in a tree upside down with only his underwear on.

The student council has been as busy well helping Grandma out with all of the administrative aspects. Just the other day we were talking with Grandma, and decided to have a different lance come to the academy once a week. The lance would give a class at the tri-hall and talk about their culture. This way, people of different races could see how the others lived, and what they believed in. Of course this was met with some controversy, as people still didn't think elves and dwarves needed to be at this school. Arthur recommended having extra security during this time, which Grandma agreed with.

You would think that after the dance and my literal engagement with Art, that Clive would leave us alone. But no, he obviously is so arrogant and dense that a day doesn't go by that I don't hear him talking down about Art. Art told me to just ignore it, which is easier said than done. Clive has been trying to stay by my side almost all the time, saying the vice president and president should be seen together. I just kept sneaking away from him and finding my way to Art, who was always happy to have me around.

Other than Clive, the only other person that has been a thorn in my side has been Caera. I honestly don't know what her problem is. The other day I was hanging with Art, and she approached us telling Art they had paperwork to do. We were all about to head to the disciplinary committee room together, when she said I wasn't needed there since it was a disciplinary committee matter. I didn't need to say anything since Art told her that I was more than welcome. And, that he was more than happy to have his fiancé with him. She immediately apologized to me saying she was out of line, but I could tell she was upset about it.

It was currently the night before the start of our weekend, Art, Lilia, and I were going to head to the Helstea estate for the weekend. I told Clive he would be in charge, of course he protested saying I should stay at the academy, and I had no business being with Art and his family. I had to remind him I had every right to be there, since he was my fiancé, which seemed to upset him. I told him his responsibilities and what needed to be done while I was gone, and not to screw it up.

"But president, I st-."

"I asked, if you understand, or do I need to draw you a picture?" I asked with irritation.

Clive just furrowed his brows a little, "I understand, President." Clive said with an attitude.

"Good, then I will leave the rest to you. Just for the weekend though, and try to not screw everything up. Should anything happen, get with Vice Captain Caera, she with be in charge of the disciplinary committee." I said.

"Very well, if something important shall arise, I will contact y-." Clive began before I cut him off.

"No Clive, you will handle it yourself. I don't want to be bothered this weekend. Should the need arise, the director herself will contact either Captain Leywin, or myself. No one else is permitted to contact us. Understood?" I said with a stern voice and a sharp look.

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