Chapter 8

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Arthur Leywin POV

Warmth. I felt the feeling of the warm rays of the sun shinning on my face. But for some reason, I didn't feel any pain. In fact, I didn't feel much of anything.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw what looked like an endless green meadow. There were clear blue skies, and it didn't feel hot, or cold.

"So you're finally awake." I hear an angelic yet familiar voice say.

I turn my head to the right and I see myself laying in someone's lap. I look at the persons face and what I saw was.....beautiful.

Flawless pale white skin, white hair with stands of gold, golden eyes, and a smile to fit that of an angel. But her voice, her voice was so familiar, I would never forget it.

"Sylvia?" I asked with tears forming in my eyes as my breathing became staggered.

"*giggle*, yes I guess I do look more like a Sylvia now, now don't I." She said with a warming smile.

I immediately got up from her lap and lunged at her, hugging her like my life depended on it. As I hugged her, I broke down in sobs crying.

"I-I thought I lost you Sylvia, I *sniff* thought you were dead." I cried uncontrollably.

She gently stroked my cheek as she brought her face closer to mine. I felt her place a kiss on my forehead while comforting me.

"Sadly child, I no longer exist in the physical realm. This is the soul realm. I was able to bring you here for a short time using aether arts, taught to me by my...." She looked away for a moment, as she looked deep in thought. Tears welled up in her eyes. She quickly wiped away the tears and she looked at me with a smile.

"We don't have much time. There are some things I need to tell you. You are a very special boy Arthur, more special than you know. The blood that runs through your veins will give you power beyond your comprehension. I've given you my will, and my body to help you handle this great power, making you half dragon." Sylvia said with a warm smile, but a serious tone.

"There will be some who will try to use this power for their own greed. Be careful who you trust. And under no circumstances, can you trust those who have horns." Sylvia explained with a serious expression and tone.

"W-what are you talking about. What power? Why did I have to be born special. I all ever wanted was to be with my mom and dad. To be with you Sylvia!" I yelled crying, not wanting her to go.

"I know child, but sometimes fate can be cruel." Sylvia said looking down. She immediately looked back up to me with a serious and determined look.

"Arthur, the rainbow stone I gave you. Protect it with your life. When the time comes you will know what it really is, and what it contains. You cannot let anyone take it, I've entrusted you with h-it. Promise me, promise you will keep it safe." Sylvia said pleadingly.

I looked at her and gave her my best serious face. "I promise grandma. I will keep it safe. I will protect it with my life if I need to. Just like you and my parents protected me."

Sylvia leaned down and gave me another kiss on the forehead. "Thank you child. Now I must leave you now. You will face many hardships in your life. I'm sorry that you have to go through them. But I know you will accomplish great things. Goodbye my dear child."

Sylvia gave me one last pat on the head as my surroundings faded away. "Sylvia!! Grandma!!! No don't go!!!" I yelled in desperation.


I then woke up laying in a forest surround by trees. I looked around and I could feel my body. But this time, my body felt stronger. It felt lighter.

I stood myself up and continued to look around. I heard birds chirping, bugs buzzing, but no signs of any people.

I looked down and noticed the rainbow stone at my feet. Tears welled in my eyes as I remembered Sylvia's promise. I picked up the stone, and held it in my arms. "I promise you Sylvia, I will protect this." I said with determination.

I looked at my arm and remembered what Sylvia told me. She said I was half dragon now. So what do I look like?

I willed ice magic to form an ice mirror in front of me. I looked at my reflection and noticed some differences. My auburn hair now has streaks of gold running though it. My azure eyes had hints of gold within the iris.

I willed mana into my eyes and noticed mana particles flowing into me as if drawn to me. But there was something else. Purple, I wasn't sure what it was, but the power it emitted was.... incredible.

Was this the power Sylvia was talking about. I tried to command the purple particles. Nothing happened. I poured all of my concentration into trying to utilize this power.

I saw a slight fluctuation of the purple particles. But what surprised me, is when I was able to slightly move the particles. I saw a weird marking form on my right forearm, and felt a burning sensation down my spine.

I immediately stopped trying to wield this purple power, and the mark and burning sensation disappeared. Strange I thought. I've never felt something like that before.

I looked into my mana core and saw the mana naturally flowing into it. Then I noticed it was different. It was no longer light red, but dark orange. Not only that, I sensed power in the core. This must be the will, I thought. 

After I decided I had enough of looking at myself in the mirror. I decided to wander through the forest to see where I was.

I continued to walk around for sometime not knowing where to go. There was some type of mist in the forest, but it didn't seem to effect me to much. I wonder if it was because of the dragon part of me.

Ever since I woke up with this new body, my senses have been heightened. I noticed several forms of wild life that scurried around.

Rabbits, which the twin horns would catch and cook while we were traveling together. I thought about catching one, my dad showed me how he skinned the rabbit, while my mom showed me how to cook it.

I didn't feel to hungry though, so I just kept waking. I began to wonder if I would ever get out of this forest. No matter where I look, I don't see anyone.

*sigh* I looked at the rainbow stone that Sylvia gave me, which I was holding in my arms.

Maybe I should just rest for a lit-


I immediately turn my head in the direction of the female voice. Should I run the other way. What if there is danger. I promised to protect the stone...... no, I promised I would protect others.

I used wind mana to jump into the trees. Using wind mana I jumped from tree to tree heading towards the direction of the voice.

I shortly arrived at an area where I saw a carriage. I looked around and saw four men pack up some of their bags.

That's when I saw her. An elf girl with gunmetal hair tied up in the arms of one of the men.

"We are gonna get a good amount of gold for this one!" The man said as he tossed the squirming girl into the back of the carriage.

Are they trying to sell her? She's not some piece of property?! She's a person!! How dare they!!! My blood boiled at the mans statement.

I have to save her, but there are four of them. I will have to wait. Wait to catch them in surprise when they aren't suspecting. A sneak attack, like Sylvia taught me.

Stay strong miss elf, I'll save you.

(Chapter 8, let me know what you guys think and point out any errors. Open to criticism!)

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