Chapter 28

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Arthur Leywin POV

A/N:Yes, another double update today!

Six Months later

It's been six months since we all came back to Elenoir. The council presented the six lances to Dicathen a couple of weeks ago. After the presentation, Alea came back to Elenoir. Sebastian and Gramps have been helping Alea and Tess with their assimilation.

Alea's assimilation went by pretty easy since she was a white core. She was now able to manifest her beast wills first phase, which definitely made her a lot stronger. I'd hate to be the one who makes her mad.

While Sebastian was helping Alea assimilate, he gave her a bracelet embroidered with diamonds. I didn't know what that meant, until gramps explained it to me. In elven culture, a bracelet is a sign of an engagement.

When they get married, Alea will also give Sebastian his own bracelet. The bracelets signified they are together forever, since elves don't believe in divorce. I made sure to congratulate Alea, which made her happy. After her assimilation, she had been spending most of her time with Sebastian. Apparently her and Aya have been having a lot of talks too, but they won't tell me what about.

After Tess absorbed the mana from the SS class beast core, she was able to break into light yellow. I've been purifying my core the whole time since gramps was helping Tess. I was able to break into initial silver. Gramps called me a monstrous brat, since I was growing stronger at such an alarming rate.

I was also able to train my second phase of my beast will. Through it, I was able to see mana particles more clearly. Though, using my second phase took a lot out of me. But through this training, I was able to unlock gravity magic. Gramps was beyond impressed, seeing me as a quadra-elemental with deviants in each element.

I was currently sitting under the tree in the castle courtyard. I watched as Tess was sitting on her knees meditating, while wearing elven training robes. Sylvie was sitting to my right, sleeping like usual. Gramps was going to put mana into her core today, and activate her beast will, like he did for me. I'm just hoping everything goes ok.

I sat there watching intently as gramps placed his hand on her back. I was expecting an explosion to happen, like it did with me. But instead, Tess' skin started glowing light green, like a second layer had formed. Her gunmetal hair turned dark green, looking like vines.

Gramps got up and took a few steps back. Tess sat there for a few moments until I felt a surge of mana. A blast of wind shot out from Tess, and I quickly put up a wind barrier around myself blocking it. I looked and saw gramps was knocked back a little, but he was fine. I looked back to Tess, and saw she was levitating in the air, but slowly descended to the ground. I quickly used thunderclap impulse to make my way to her, and caught her in a bridal carry before she reached the ground.

I kept my eyes on Tess as her skin and hair both returned to normal. Gramps came walking up to us, and looked her over while I held her in my arms. Sylvie jumped on my head looking at Tess a little concerned.

'Is mama ok?' Sylvie asked mentally with concern. I was wondering the same thing.

"Is she ok?" I asked gramps in a worried tone.

Gramps placed his hand on her abdomen and concentrated. After a few seconds his eyes opened while he smiled.

"She's fine, her body has just fully assimilated with her beast will. It was easier then yours since you have the will of a dragon. She just needs some rest." Gramps said. I nodded at him as Sylvie and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Alright, I'll take her to her room. You go ahead and go inside, it's almost time for dinner." Gramps said as he reached out to take her.

"Gramps, I'll stay with Tess, to make sure she is ok." I said as I looked at her with a smile. Gramps smiled at this and nodded.

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