Chapter 108

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Ceara Denoir POV

"This is bullshit!" Adam yelled as he crossed his arms, pouted, and looked to the side. "I swear to god, you're cheating!"

"I am not! Plus, how could I? You're literally sitting across from me, watching my every move, you twit!" Aaron yelled defensively.

"I don't know... But you are! Somehow!" Adam yelled as he accusingly pointed at Aaron with his right index finger.

"I'll cut you're stupid finger off, Adam. I'm not cheating. You just suck at the game." Aaron said as he gestured to the game of sovereigns quarrel between them.

"Bullshit. I've almost beaten Caera plenty of times." Adam said proudly, puffing out his chest.

Aaron shrugged, "That's because Caera goes easy on you."

A look of heartbreak formed on Adam's face as he looked at me. I could see Claire, Theo, Lilia, Jasmine, and the rest of the twin horns, minus Helen, smiling at Aaron and Adam while we sat around them. Theo and Claire shared a blanket together as she leaned her head on his shoulder, keeping warm from this ice dungeon. It was always good comedy watching them argue.

"T-That's not true... is it Caera. Please tell me it's not true..." Adam said, sounding like a little kid who just learned something he believed in wasn't real.

(A/N: Santa Clause isn't a thing in this world, so I couldn't use that analogy.)

I felt a little bad seeing his puppy dog eyes staring back at me and giving a warm smile, hoping I was convincing, "Oh um... of course it's not true, Adam. You've almost beaten me fair and square."

"You're not convincing anyone," Aaron said teasingly as he looked back at Adam. "Just tell Adam that he sucks."

Adam, who was smiling at me, looked at Aaron with a deadpan look. "Do not! You heard Caera! I'm good at this game!" Adam yelled defensively.

"She was obviously lying to help you feel better," Theo chuckled.

Adam looked back at me, but I just looked away as I couldn't keep a straight face. "C-Caera..." Adam said, almost heartbroken.

I sighed as I looked back and Adam and gave him a kind smile. "I'm sorry, Adam. But you're not the best."

Adam just slumped as he hung his head low like his pride was just destroyed. Everyone sitting around began laughing.

"I'm surprised you believed Caera in the first place. She's not that good of a liar." Aaron shrugged.

"I can fool people if I need to," I said playfully.

"Oh ya? Like when." Aaron shot back with a smile.

"She did a good job fooling everyone at Xyrus," Lilia said flatly, as she just stared at me with a heartless gaze.

My smile faded, and the whole group fell quiet as an awkward silence fell upon us. I looked away from Lilia's piercing gaze, looking down, feeling the guilt from the Xyrus attack wash over me. All the faces of the students killed because of me flooded my mind like a damn opening. My eyes began to feel warm as I struggled to keep it together.

"Lilia," Claire said sternly with a narrowed gaze.

"What?" Lilia responded harshly. "It's not like it's not true. Thanks to her, the Alacryans breached Xyrus Academy and killed multiple students and teachers. Jarrod being one of them."

"L-Lilia," I stuttered. "I-I'm sor-"

"Keep your fucking apology," Lilia scoffed, cutting me off. "Unless it can bring Jarrod back, I don't want to hear it."

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