Chapter 7

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Arthur Leywin POV

(@Grey_Will_be_back congrats on guessing the game and sword.)

Fear, absolute fear. That's all I felt when I looked upon this devil of a figure. The presence he emitted made me feel sick to my stomach.

He looked at Sylvia like she was prey, and he was the ultimate hunter. He face contorted into a smile. "Hello there."

He voice sound so dark, so unnatural, pure evil. It sent shivers down my spine. All I wanted to do was run. But I couldn't.

I'm not gonna leave Sylvia. I already lost my parents, and I can't lose her too. Over these past couple of months she's become a mother figure to me and I won't let her die. I can't lose anyone else. I began to focus on the mana to conjure an ice blade.

"Lady Sylvia! I advise you to stop your stubbornness and hand it over. You've already caused us quite the trouble after hiding yourself! If you submit, the lord may even heal your injuries!" The man said with a sinister smile.

Right after the being stopped speaking, the world seemed to come to a stop. I looked around and even noticed the rocks falling from the ceiling were suspended in air. Everything around me changed color to just being gray, as if all the color was drained from the world. What's happening I thought.

Sylvia casually peaked under her wing to look at me, giving me a gentle smile. "I'm going to make a portal now, send you somewhere far away from here. Somewhere away from him. Do not let him see you, and do not come back for me."

I thought about what the thing said to Sylvia. "Sylvia, is what he said true? Can he really save you?!"

Sylvia gave me a soft yet serious look. "Do not trust his honey coated words. It will be far worse for you if you were found right now. There is more to you then you know my dear child. Besides, I would rather die then be imprisoned by that murderer."

"But I don't want you to die Sylvia! I can't lose you too! Stay with me. Promise me you will stay with me!" I yelled begging for her to stay with tears falling from my eyes.

"It's far too late for me my child. This is where we must part ways. But a part of me will always be with you." Sylvia said.

"P-p-please, grandma. Don't leave. I can't. I can't lose you. I can't lose anyone I love again." Tears were falling down my face.

I looked to see Sylvia with a happy expression at me calling her grandma. She slowly brought her nose to my chest. She stuck her tongue into my chest penetrating my core, and I felt a surge of power.

I quickly fell to my hands and knees panting from the pain. I looked up to see Sylvia's eyes grow even more purple as a portal opened behind me.

"It is time for you to go my child. But before you go, I have one final gift. As I said, I will always be apart of you. And to help you deal with my power, I will give you my body. The body, of a dragon." Sylvia said with a serious face.

Dragon? So that's what she is, I thought. "But, I want you there with me! Please stay!" I yelled desperately.

"I know dear child, but we can't always get what we want." Sylvia said as she looked like she was deep in thought, like she remembered an old memory.

Sylvia looked at me and smiled as she began to glow purple. I watched as her body slowly became transparent. Particles of her body slowly floated to me and wrapped around my body.

My body suddenly felt like it was on fire as I looked at my arms as they began to glow. It felt like my body was breaking apart and reforming. I wanted to yell but I couldn't find the strength as I curled up into a ball.

Before Sylvia disappeared, I felt her push me through the portal, "good luck, my dear child. Stay safe, and always remember, I will always be with you." I heard her voice say in my mind.

As I fell through the portal I felt nauseous, until I found myself laying on the ground deep in the forest.

I continued to lay there trying to relax, waiting for the burning pain from my body to stop. I shut my eyes wanting the pain to stop as I felt myself grow light headed.

With my eyes closed, I felt myself lose consciousness from the pain. The last thing I remembered, was the face of Sylvia smiling, before I passed out.


Tessia Eralith POV

Why, why did I have to be born the princess. All I have gotten out of it was me always being used by people.

Multiple people tried to be my fiend, or so I thought. They would just pretend to be my friends to get what they want for their own benefits. What a bunch of big meanies. 

And not only that, but my parents tried to tell me to be nicer to them?? Me? It's not like I want to be used. I just wanted a friend. Someone to have fun with. But I guess that's not possible for me.

I ended up having a big argument with my mom and dad. With them telling me to at least give those big meanies a try at being my friend. I just told them no, that I didn't want to have anything to do with them. 

I decided to run away from the castle wanting to get away from everyone. I just feel so cooped up in there at times. And here I was sitting against the tree in the forest where I usually go when I'm upset. Maybe I should find a better spot.


I heard what sounded like footsteps coming closer to me. I sighed, not wanting to go back to the castle already, but it would make sense for my father to send guards to find me.

Hearing the footsteps come to a halt in from of me, I continued to look at the ground. In a cold voice I said, "what do you want."

"My my, what a rude little elf we have here." I heard a man say.

I immediately look up and see a human staring down at me with a strange look in his eyes. A look that sent shivers down my spine.

I stood up and turned around to run away when I felt someone grab me and lift me up.

"Where do you think you're going! You're gonna make us rich!" Another man said while holding me up by the back of my dress.

"Let me go!!!! Help! Help! Mom! Dad! Someone!" I yelled desperately.

The man holding me covered my mouth with his hand, "shut up you little twerp!"

"Easy there pinky, we don't want to damage the merchandise." I heard another man say.

I looked towards the voice and see two more men step out of the wood line, making there be four men in total.

"Don't worry i'll keep her quite boss. We can't have the elven guard hearing the cries of their princess. We'd never get out of the forest alive." The man now known as Pinky said.

My eyes widened, how did they know who I was? Were they just waiting for me. Tears filled my eyes as I just wanted to be back with my mom and dad. Please, someone help me.

The boss took some rope out of his bag and said, "let's move, I want to get out of this forest as fast as possible."

(Chapter 7, let me know what you guys think and point out any errors. Open to criticism!)

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