Chapter 107

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Aya Grephin POV

"Uhhh," I groaned out as I started to regain consciousness.

I felt the hard surface beneath me as I lay on my back and started to regain feeling in my body. I slowly opened my eyes, looked around, and noticed the familiar scenery of Darv. I traced the dark gray rock that lined the walls and roof. Stalactites lined the ceiling, with water dripping down from a few of them.

I noticed I was lying in the shadows, on top of some ledge. I couldn't see past the ledge, as an earth pillar was in the way. It was as if someone had specifically placed me here to hide me from unwanted eyes.

As I continued to lay there, I concentrated on trying to think about what had happened. Suddenly memories flashed before my eyes about the mission and Sameer's ambush. I remembered my fight with that bastard as I distracted him so my men could escape. I thought about how I was overwhelmed by his power and how he cut off my arms and legs.

'Wait... my arms and legs!!'

I shot up into a sitting position, feeling fatigued and sore. My eyes drifted to my legs, and my brows raised in surprise when I noticed they were still there. In fact, there wasn't a scratch on them. I lifted my sore arms and saw they were in pristine condition, with not a single bruise whatsoever. I looked down at my uniform, seeing it was in tatters, and had a cut at the waist. Confusion washed over me, as I had no recollection of what happened or how I got here.

'How do I still have my arms and legs? How am I still alive? Not that I'm complaining...'

"Hello, beautiful."

My eyes widened, and I quickly stood up in response to the voice. I quickly turned towards the voice when a wave of vertigo washed over me. I stumbled forward but was immediately caught by someone as they placed their hands on my shoulder. My eyes fell to the hands holding me up by my shoulders, and I slowly looked up at the individual in front of me. Another wave of confusion washed over me as his deep dark eyes stared at me while he held an expressionless face.

"R-Rohan?" I said, confused. Then reality hit, as I remembered he was my enemy, and my eyes widened. "Rohan!" I yelled as I tried to back away.

Rohan let go of me, and I stumbled back, losing my balance. I could feel myself falling backward when I was suddenly caught in someone's arms. I looked back to where I last saw Rohan to see he was no longer there. I looked towards who was holding me to see it was none other than Rohan.

"W-what are you doing?! Let me go!!" I yelled as I flailed in his arms, but my body felt sore all over.

"Stop," Rohan said in a commanding tone as he stood up from his kneeling position, holding me bridal style.

I stopped flailing as I looked at him intently. I began to form a wind dagger in my hand when I felt a surge of pain in my mana core. I groaned and grabbed my chest from the sharp pain.

"Aya. Stop. You'll hurt yourself." Rohan said in all seriousness.

"Why?! It's not like you're going to kill me!" I yelled.

"If I wanted you dead, I wouldn't have saved you in the first place," Rohan said in a nonchalant tone as he kept his expressionless face.

I stopped moving as I processed Rohan's words. I looked at him, confused, as he held me in his arms. He just continued to stare at me with his dark eyes, which I swear you could get lost in.

"Y-you saved me?" I asked in disbelief.

"I did. I also regenerated your limbs," Rohan said matter-of-factly.

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