Chapter 109

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Caera Denoir POV

"Lilia!!" I yelled wide-eyed.

Dread washed over me as I saw the beast had its claws knuckles deep inside Lilia's chest. The beast quickly lifted Lilia up as she coughed up blood dangling in its claws.

"No!!!" Claire yelled as she ignited her rapier with fire magic.

Claire dashed forward towards Lilia; however, two beasts jumped in front of her blocking her path. One of the beasts leaped towards her, but Theo darted in from the side and shoulder-checked it, sending it flying into a wall. Theo and Claire stood back to back, and several other mana beasts circled them.

"We're good! Get Lilia!" Theo yelled to no one in particular.

Jasmine jumped off a beast she just killed and looked at Lilia with wide eyes. She gritted her teeth as she dashed forward. As she moved, another beast jumped out from the shadows towards Jasmine.

Jasmine quickly turned towards the beast but was too late as it tackled her to the ground. Jasmine fell back first to the ground with the beast on top of her, and it stabbed its right claw into Jasmine's left leg. Jasmine yelled in pain as she slammed her daggers into the beast's chest.

"Tessia!" I yelled, looking at her.

I watched as she had just finished killing a beast with a wind slash. She looked at me with determination.

"Get to Jasmine! I'll get Lilia!" I yelled.

Tessia nodded as she turned around and dashed towards Jasmine. As she made her way to Jasmine, a beast ran out, moving quickly toward Tessia from behind her.

I grew wide-eyed as I ignited my sword in soul fire, preparing to protect her. As the beast closed in on her, I raised my sword above my head. Suddenly Tessia's shadow moved, and I grew wide-eyed as Regis jumped out. Regis tackled the beast aiming for Tessia, slammed it to the ground, and sunk its teeth into its neck.

'When did he? Never mind!'

I looked back toward Lilia as the beast lifted its other claw to stab her again. I gritted my teeth and quickly dashed forward, with my sword still ignited in soul fire. The beast looked towards me as I quickly moved towards it. The beast let out a ferocious roar as it slammed Lilia's body to the ground, claws still in her chest.

"No!!" I yelled, seeing Lilia's motionless body and blood pooling beneath her.

With its free left claw, the beast swung at me in a sideways motion. I quickly fell to my knees, dodging the attack and sliding forward. As I slid forward, I plunged my sword into its side. I felt the beast's flesh tear open as I swung my sword through its body, creating a long gash in its side. Blood and guts fell from its side, and the beast fell to its knees. I could see the soul fire spreading inside the beast, slowly consuming it.

The beast roared again, struggling to stand back up. I quickly dashed to its front and swung my sword again, slashing through its left arm. As I severed its arm, the beast fell to its side, and I didn't hesitate to reengage. The beast let out one more roar as I swung my sword down and sliced its head off.

With the beast dead, I quickly looked towards Lilia, who was lying back flat on the ground. The beast's right claw was still in her chest. Her skin was pale, with blood coming out of her mouth. Her eyes were closed, and I saw no movement from her whatsoever.

I quickly knelt next to her and checked for a pulse. I grew wide-eyed as tears formed, as I didn't feel anything. I looked back at the others seeing what their status was.

Theo and Claire were still fighting off the beasts. They were both sweating and breathing heavily. Theo had three large diagonal cuts on his chest, Claire's left arm was limp, and she had a gash on her bicep. Blood ran down her arm, and her right hand that held her rapier was shaking.

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