Chapter 61

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Arthur Leywin POV

I stood in the shower as the water washed over me, thoughts about what just happened in the bed with Tess were on my mind. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about the lustful experience. Tess and I have never gone that far before.

Images of her body flashed in my head, and I could feel my face and body grow warm. I turned the water temperature down to cool off, and took a breath as my body calmed down. I shook my head, getting the thoughts out of my head, and proceeded to finish washing up.

I got out of the shower, drying myself off. I got dressed in the black shirt and gray pants I brought into the bathroom with me. I fixed my hair by tying it back like I usually do. I took one last look in the mirror, before I walked out of the bathroom.

When I walked out, I saw Tess laying on her stomach on the bed playing with Sylvie who was laying belly up. I smiled at seeing Sylvie wave her little arms in the air as Tess tickled her. I looked over Tess, and my face went warm as my eyes traced over her.

She was wearing her silver elven robes which complemented her hair and skin. She let her hair fall down naturally, covering all the love marks I made on her. I smiled as I looked her over, admiring how beautiful she looked. As I looked her over, one thought crossed my mind. I really do love her.

Tess looked up and saw me standing there staring at her. She gave me a smile as she sat herself up on the corner of the bed.

"Hey Art, ready for breakfast?" Tess asked happily.

I nodded as I slowly walked over to her. Tess stood up from the bed and lifted her arms above her head stretching with her eyes closed. As she was stretching, I gently grabbed her waist.

"Eek!" Tess yelled, a little startled as I pulled her in close. My arms wrapped around the small of her back as I held her close looking into her eyes. Tess quickly returned the hug wrapping her arms around my neck while smiling.

"I love you Tess," I said as I leaned in, pressing my lips to hers as we shared a deep kiss. We broke the kiss, and Tess leaned her head against my shoulder smiling.

"I love you too," Tess said.

We stood there for a few minutes enjoying each other's embrace. As I held her close, my thoughts went to Widows Crypt, and how the queen went after Tess. Thoughts swirled in my mind about what I would do if something happened to her.

Then I thought about that horned bastard that attacked Alea, and how strong it was. If I learned anything from the fight, it's that I needed to grow stronger. Not just for myself, but to protect my loved ones.

We heard the door open, and I looked to my side and saw my mom walk in. She saw us hugging and smiled, "I hope I'm not disturbing you. I just came to see if you were up yet. Breakfast is ready," Mom said as she stood in the doorway.

"Ok, we're coming," I said as Tess and I broke the hug.

I reached down and grabbed Sylvie off the bed and placed her on top of my head.

'I hope they got me some meat papa!' Sylvie said with excitement.

I chuckled a little, shaking my head. 'They usually do Sylv,' I said as Sylvie Kyu'd with happiness.

Tess and I followed Mom to the kitchen where we saw Dad, Ellie, and the Helsteas already at the table.

"Good morning," Tess said as we entered. Everyone at the table looked up and returned the greeting.

Tess and I sat next to each other, and Sylvie jumped down from my head onto the floor. The maids came out with breakfast for Tess and me, and a plate of meat for Sylvie. Sylvie kyu'd with happiness as the maid placed the plate of meat on the ground in front of her.

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