Chapter 40

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Arthur Leywin POV

I woke up the next morning next to my sleeping gunmetal beauty. I couldn't help but smile at her as she looked to be at peace, and absolutely beautiful. I still remember the first day we fell asleep together for the first time. It was in the tent right after I rescued Tess, when she was taken by the slave traders. I didn't even want to think about what would have happened if I hadn't rescued her.

I leaned forward and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips, and watched her stir a little bit while I smiled. I carefully took her head off of my shoulder, and laid her head back down on the pillows. I got up pretty early so I could get everything ready for the disciplinary committee. Tess didn't need to be awake yet, so I wanted to let her sleep in.

'Are you getting up already papa?' I heard Sylvie say in a tired voice through our mental connection.

'Ya, I have to get ready for the first meeting with the disciplinary committee. Why don't you stay in bed and get up with Tess.' I replied mentally since I didn't want to wake Tess up.

*yawn* 'Alright papa, I'll see you later.' Sylvie said as she cuddled up next to Tess. 

I nodded happily to Sylvie, and grabbed my disciplinary committee captain's uniform. I walked into the restroom and got washed up, and then got dressed. I made sure my uniform looked nice and was well put together. I wanted to make sure I made a good first impression. After I made sure my uniform was proper, I placed the knife into my sheath, and opened the bathroom door.

As I opened the door, I was immediately embraced by a certain gunmetal beauty, who wrapped their arms around my waist tightly. I quickly smiled and returned the hug.

"Were you just going to leave without saying goodbye?" Tess asked in a muffled voice, with her face in my chest. I smiled at her actions. I gently grabbed her chin with two fingers and lifted her face to meet mine. I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers sharing a deep kiss. Tess returned the kiss with a smile and a slight giggle.

We broke the kiss, and I was about to step away when she stepped forward closing the distance between us. She wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled at me.

"Nu-uh, not done," Tess said with a smile as she pulled my face down, sharing another deep kiss. I gladly returned the kiss, placing my hands onto her slender waist. We stood there for a good minute sharing a deep kiss, enjoying each other's embrace. After a bit of time, we broke the kiss and I pressed my forehead to hers.

"I love you, you know." I said smiling as I looked into her beautiful emerald eyes. She bit her bottom lip and gave me another quick kiss.

"I love you more." She said giggling.

"Oh really?" I said teasingly, as I leaned my head down placing my mouth lightly against the side of her neck, as I lightly sucked her neck. Tess let out a low gasp as I felt her flinch.

I pulled my head back, and I saw as she was biting her bottom lip with her eyes closed. Her cheeks and the tips of her ears were red, as she contained a smile. Tess then opened her eyes, and I saw she had a look in her eyes I've never seen before.

"T-That's so not f-fair." Tess said stuttering while her breathing was a little staggered. I smirked at this and leaned in giving her another kiss. This time however, I noticed Tess kissed me with more pressure than before, and held me more tightly. I broke the kiss and Tess placed her head against my chest.

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