Chapter 124

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Arthur Leywin POV

Soldiers moved around quickly as I stood next to Mom at the base of the wall. Yelling could be heard as everyone was busy moving around supplies or bolstering the defenses.

"Have all medical supplies been transferred to the triage area?" Mom asked, looking at Lieutenant Felix, who was standing in front of us.

"Yes, Captain. I've also had all emitters report in, so we know how many medics we have." Felix reported.

"Good," Mom said, looking up from the clipboard and holding out her hand. "Do you have the list with you?"

Felix shook his head, "No, Captain. I've provided it to General Elion."

Mom nodded and pulled her hand back, "That's fine." Mom looked back down to the clipboard in her hands. "As long as one of us has that list, it doesn't matter."

I looked around at all the soldiers running around, seeing them carrying different types of weapons, "Do we already know how many ranged defenders we have?"

"Hmmmmm," Mom flipped through her papers on the clipboard. "I don't seem to have it." Mom looked up to Felix. "Was that list given to Elion as well?"

Felix shook his head, "Not yet, Captain. I'm still waiting for all team leaders to give me their personnel count. Until then, I'm not sure."

Mom sighed, and her brows furrowed, obviously upset, "Which teams haven't provided their personnel lists yet?"

I couldn't blame her for being upset. Mom told all team leaders to provide their personnel lists when they first arrived. They've already been here for a week and a half. They had no excuse for not providing the lists already.

Felix lifted the clipboard in his hand, "Let me see." Felix flipped through some papers. "The warmongers, the white lions, the valiant blades, and the shadow hunters."

Mom pinched the bridge of her nose, "Seriously. Four. There are four who haven't given their personnel stats." Mom took her hand off her nose and looked at Felix sternly. "Felix. Get with those team leaders, and tell them I want that list by the end of the day. If they don't cough it up, I'll ensure they're on the opposite side of the wall when the horde arrives."

Felix nodded and gulped, "Yes, Captain."

'Your mom sure does go full dommy mommy when she's angry.' Regis said mentally.

'Regis.' I scolded.

'What? It's not my fault you have a milf for a mom.' Regis said mentally.

'Regis!!' Sylvie and I scolded mentally at the same time.

'What?! Look how beautiful she is!' Regis said defensively.

'Regis. I will drop-kick you.' Sylvie said mentally.

'Not sure how far I'll go, seeing how much weight I've gained,' Regis said mentally.

Regis has been constantly absorbing aether this past week and a half while resting in my sternum. We needed him to have as much aether as possible to utilize his destruction attack to its fullest extent.

'How are you feeling, Regis?' I asked mentally, with my tone laced with concern. I could tell he was physically stressed through our mental connection.

'Oh, I'm feeling dandy. Except for the fact I feel like I'm going to burst harder than you during your first time with Tess,' Regis said mentally.

'Regis!!' Sylvie and I snapped mentally, my concern washing away with Regis' laughter.

I shook my head at Regis' comment and looked to the top of the wall.

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