Chapter 85

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Aya Grephin POV

"They've set up a defensive perimeter. It will be impossible to see what's happening inside the city." Olfred said as we looked over the ledge.

We were currently standing on top of a ledge that oversees Burim city. We were conducting a scout mission to see what the Alacryans were up to. I was hoping we would be able to predict their troop movements or capture one of them.

"Are there any secret passages that lead into Burim?" I asked.

"There were, but they were sealed during the battle. We used them for escape routes and sealed them afterward so the Alacryans couldn't follow." Olfred said.

I nodded as I scanned the city's perimeter. The Alacryans had created a large defensive perimeter around the city. Not only was the large number of troops a problem, but I also didn't know if there were any retainers in the city. I myself haven't fought any, but I've heard of their power. Even with Mica and Olfred fighting together, they couldn't defeat one, so I wanted to proceed cautiously.

"So what should we do?" Olfred asked.

"Let's continue staying in the outskirts. Maybe we will be able to see some of their troops moving away from the city. We could then intercept and get information out of them." I said.

Olfred looked back to the city and nodded. "Sounds good. The ridge continues more to the west. It'll wrap around the city. We can just follow it." Olfred said as he began to follow the ledge's path.

I nodded as I began to follow Olfred. We walked down the ridges' jagged path, making sure to stay low. We didn't want to get spotted by the Alacryans and get sucked into an unnecessary battle. As we continued walking through the ridge, we made it to a small opening that had no concealment.

"Damn, we can just quickly fly to the next area of concealment. Maybe they won't notice us." Olfred said.

I shook my head. "No, they probably have eyes everywhere. They're in enemy territory. They're going to have all areas covered. I'll conceal us with illusion magic until we reach the other side." I said.

Olfred nodded, and I placed my hand on his shoulder. I wrapped us both in an illusion to make us invisible. We began to quickly but quietly make our way past the ridge opening. I kept scanning the area the entire time, hoping no one could see past my magic. Olfred and I made it to the other side, and I canceled the illusion. We both let out a sigh of relief.

"Good thinking," Olfred said.

"Thanks. There's a reason king Alduin sends me on scouts." I said with a wink.

"Beautiful and skilled. You're quite the package." Olfred and I heard a voice say.

Olfred and I went wide-eyed as I quickly created a wind dagger, and Olfred covered himself in magma armor. We both turned toward the voice but didn't see anyone but rocks and shadows.

"Such hostility. I just came to say hi." The voice said again with a chuckle.

I scanned the area while using my sensory magic. My senses picked up on a fluctuation of mana coming from a shadow behind a stone pillar.

I threw my dagger at the shadow and watched as the shadow quickly moved out of the way. The wind dagger hit the wall and dispersed. The moving shadow made its way into another shadow behind another stone pillar.

I created another wind dagger when the shadow began to rise. The shadows took form, and I watched as a dark-haired man appeared before us. The man smirked as his eyes trailed my body up and down.

"Rohan." I heard Olfred growl.

Rohan's eyes flicked to Olfred. "Ah, you remember me, good. I do hate reintroducing myself. Although..." Rohan said as his eyes flicked back to me. "May I know your name, beautiful?"

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