Chapter 116

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Arthur Leywin POV

"Not bad, boy."

Tess visibly paled, and I grew wide-eyed at the sound of the sickeningly sweet voice. I quickly twirled around, looking towards the voice. My eyes narrowed on the shadow area that draped over the right ledge. My grip on despair tightened, seeing a figure step out of the shadows.

Her skin was as pale as her eyes were dark, and a sea of purple hair spilled down over her shoulders and back. She was taller than Seris, made even taller by her heeled leather boots, their teal coloring matching the runes stitched into her fine white and gray battle robes. The black voids of her eyes were unreadable, and her porcelain cold face showed no emotion on her beautiful, flawless features.

'Arthur, she's strong.' Regis warned with a sense of waryness, which I'd never heard from him before.

'Papa, I'm coming to you.' Sylvie said urgently.

'No. Regis, you're out of aether. Sylvie, you're wounded. Both of you stay back.' I commanded mentally, leaving no room for contestation.

"I must admit. That was quite impressive," She said as she levitated off the ledge. Her dark eyes flicked toward Sylvie and Regis, "Especially those bonds of yours."

My eyes were locked on her, watching her slowly descend to the icy floor in front of us and elegantly land on the ground. She clasped her hands behind the small of her back as she stood several yards in front of us nonchalantly.

"Arthur..." Helen said in a worried tone, walking up behind me.

"Helen. This is no longer your fight. Go. Take everyone with you." I ordered, not taking my eyes off the girl in front of me.

"I'm not leaving you here," Helen said, obviously concerned for me.

"That's an order, Helen," I said sternly.

I didn't give Helen a chance to respond as I began to walk forward. The woman's deep, piercing eyes were locked on me, which is what I wanted. I needed to keep her attention off of the trailblazers. I wasn't sure exactly how strong she was, but I could tell she was far more powerful than the other elite soldiers I'd faced. If I had to deduce who she was, she was undoubtedly a scythe.

I halted my advance, standing a few feet away from her, glaring at her intently. Her eyes flicked behind me as I heard the sound of the trailblazers moving behind me, hopefully preparing to get out of the room.

"Don't let them leave." She ordered flatly.

I narrowed my eyes in confusion, getting into a defensive stance.

"As you wish, Scythe Viessa." Another voice boomed across the chamber.

I grew wide-eyed as I turned around, looking towards the voice. My eyes fell onto another figure as they stood on the opposite ledge this Scythe Viessa was previously on, right above the entrance.

The male figure looked like a walking skeleton with white flesh and a pale, puffy face. His eyes were like empty holes because of how sunken and dark they were, and his flat, greenish hair, like dead seagrass, clung to his forehead and cheeks. He was tall and awkwardly thin, with sharp limbs, while on his back, his spine and ribs were sharply defined.

The figure quickly flew down and landed in front of the exit, blocking the trailblazers. Seeing him squaring off with them, I physically tensed as several trailblazers prepared their weapons and spells. I could tell he was powerful, but not as powerful as Viessa, not even close. He was most likely her retainer.

I clenched my teeth and prepared to dash towards the male to get him out of the trailblazers' path.

'Arthur, behind you!' Regis yelled mentally.

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