Chapter 23

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Tessia Eralith POV

We were now walking through the 6th floor of Hidden Sapphire. I've lost track of how long we've been in here. We've come across multiple monsters here and there, but it wasn't anything we couldn't handle. Especially since mine and Art's teamwork has been flawless so far.

I held Art's hand as we walked through the floor. Art's been holding my hand throughout the dungeon almost the entire time, except for when we were fighting. I smiled as I thought about Art keeping me warm with his magic, but just holding Art's hand gave me a warm happy feeling.

"Are you ok Tess? You're face is red, are you getting too warm?" Art asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

I smiled as I leaned my head against his shoulder. "No, I'm ok Art. Thanks for worrying." I said.

He leaned his head against mine. "Always." He said causing my smile to widen.

We continued to walk through the dungeon floor until Art suddenly let go of my hand, and took his sword out of his dimensional ring. He quickly spun around while swinging his sword down, and sliced an ice spike that was flying towards me.

Sebastian and Alea ran to our side almost instantly. We all looked around, but we didn't see anything.

"Where did that come from?" I asked as I scanned the area with my eyes.

"I'm not sure, I felt the attack coming towards us with my wind detection." Art said as he took a defensive stance close to me.

Art told me about his wind detection skill he learned from Aya. Using wind magic, he could feel items, or people coming near him.

Sebastian looked around with narrowed eyes and rapier in hand. Alea had her plant sword at the ready. Suddenly the ice on the floor cracked, and about fifty large spiders the size of horses jumped out from the ground in front of us.

They had icy claws on each of their legs, and icy fangs. Ice spikes protruded out of their abdomens.

"Oh great, spiders..... I hate spiders." Sebastian said in an annoyed tone. "Alright, same as usual. Don't die, and kill them all." Sebastian said looking back at Art and I, and we just nodded.

Sebastian and Alea moved to the side, and killed the spiders that came near them. Art ignited his sword with fire magic and looked at me. "I'll go in for close combat. Cover me, ok?" Art said looking at me with a smile.

"You got it, just be careful." I said smiling.

"Aren't I always." He responded with a smirk.

Art ran off dashing towards the spiders using thunderclap impulse. He spun in the air horizontally as he rammed into the crowd of spiders, killing off about eight of them at once. Art skidded to a halt in the middle of the group of spiders.

Four spiders jumped towards him with their claws extended. I readied myself as I wasn't going to let any harm come to Art. I spun my staff in the air, and launched two wind blades per spider that jumped at Art, killing them on impact.

I heard a crack behind me, and quickly spun around. I watched as about two dozen spiders came out of the ice behind us. I got into a defensive stance, and quickly slammed my staff into the ground. Vines shot out of the ground, and wrapped around the spiders as they ran towards me.

Once they were entrapped by vines, the spiders shot out multiple ice spikes from their mouths towards me. I cast a wind barrier around me to protect myself from the spikes. The spikes burst apart as they hit the wind barrier.

I was about to cast more wind blades when Art dashed past me using thunderclap impulse. He had his sword at the ready, as he dashed towards the spiders that were trapped in vines. He spun in the air with his sword ignited with fire magic, and swung his sword in an arc sending forth a wave of fire covering the spiders.

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