Chapter 73

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Arthur Leywin POV

A/N: Wow... A hundred thousand reads. I'm lost for words. Thank you all so much for your love and support toward this fic, it means so much. I never imagined it would blow up like this. To say thanks, here is a double upload. Enjoy!

"He will be trained by the Djinn and learn how to use aether," Mom said.

Everyone looked at my mom with confusion. "You mean you will train him?" Windsom asked Mom with a raised brow.

Mom shook her head, "Not me, personally. The Djinn masters will train him."

"But I thought the Djinn were dead," I said.

"They are, but their consciousness remains. It's complicated," Mom said.

Windsom looked down in thought before he looked back to Mom. "The power of aether is strong. There is no arguing that. Very well, I will take Lady Sylvie to Epheotus and inform Lord Kezess you will train Arthur," Windsom said.

"Wait, so Arthur and Sylvie will both be leaving?" Tess asked with a worried tone.

Mom looked at Tess and gave her a sympathetic smile. "Yes, sweetie. I need to take Arthur away for a while. And Sylvie needs to be trained in her homeland with the other asura," Mom said.

I felt my stomach drop as Tess and I looked at each other with concerned looks. "H-how long will we be gone?" I asked without breaking eye contact with Tess.

"I'm not sure. However long it takes for both of you to complete your training," Mom said.

I could see Tess begin to shake a little, and I was in no better shape. Tess and I had never been apart longer than a day ever since the day we met. "C-can't Tess come with me?" I said as tears formed in my eyes.

"No. I know this is hard, but this isn't about the two of you right now. This is about the future of this continent and its people," Mom said sternly.

I heard chairs screeching as I saw Mother, Father, and Gramps stand up and walk over to Tess and me. I looked back to Mom, breaking eye contact with Tess. "So there's no other way?" I asked.

Mom shook her head. "No. I'm sorry, Arthur. But we must go. Say your goodbyes to everyone. Afterward, we will then go to Rey and Ellie and say goodbye to them. Then I'll take you to the masters of old," Mom said.

I looked at Tess again as we stared into each other's watery eyes. I stepped closer to her as Sylvie jumped off my head to the ground. I gently caressed Tess' right cheek as she nuzzled her head in the palm of my hand. "I don't want you to go," Tess said in a shaky voice.

"I don't want to go either. But if it means I'll have the power to protect everyone, to protect you, I'll do it," I said, not breaking eye contact with Tess.

I slowly leaned my head down, and I gently pressed my lips to hers as we shared a long, loving kiss. We broke the kiss, and I placed my forehead against hers. "I love you," I said in a soft loving tone.

"*sniff* I-I love you too. I will always love you," Tess said, trying to hold back the tears.

I tightly wrapped my arms around her, bringing her into a hug. She quickly returned the hug, and we both physically shook. I never thought I would have to leave Tess' side.

"When I get back, I'm never leaving your side again," I said in a shaky voice.

Tess gave a soft, sad laugh. "I'll be waiting for your return," Tess said as we shared a deep kiss.

We slowly broke the hug and kiss, and I turned to see Mother, Father, and Gramps looking at me with teary eyes. I gave them a sad smile as they slowly approached me. Mother and Father pulled me into a group hug. Sylvie jumped into Tess' arms, and she pulled Sylvie into a tight hug.

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