Chapter 63

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Arthur Leywin POV

I walked through the store after talking with Mom, and saw Tabitha looking through some clothes. "Hey Tabitha," I said as I walked over to her.

"Hello Arthur, did you find anything you liked?" Tabitha asked.

"Ya I did. I gave the clothes to Mom, but I have a question I wanted to ask you" I said.

"What is it?" Tabitha asked, smiling.

"You said there was a potion shop near here right?" I asked.

"Yes, it's actually just around the corner to the right, you can't miss it," Tabitha said.

"Ok thanks! I'm gonna go check them out," I said.

"Ok, if we are not here when you get back, we will be at the pastry shop we passed earlier," Tabitha said.

I nodded, "Ok, I'll see you all later!" I said as I made my way to the doors.

'Papa! Wait don't leave me!'

I looked back and saw Ellie and Tess tying little bows around Sylvie. I snickered seeing this.

'Papa I can hear you snickering! Take me with you!' Sylvie said mentally as she squirmed in Ellie's arms.

I gave her a small salute, 'Your sacrifice will be remembered Sylv,' I said smiling.

'Noooo!!' Sylvie yelled as I walked out of the store.

Alright, Tabitha said the potion shop was around the corner to the right. I turned right and started to walk down looking at the shops, trying to see if they had any potions. As I walked, I came to a little alley, and could see a small shack at the end.

I looked at the shack more closely, and could see it looked pretty worn down. There were boxes piled out in the front, spider webs covered the windows and balcony. The wooden planks that made up the shack had been painted with moss and fungus. It had a sign above its door that was crooked, and looked like it was about to fall off.

I looked at the sign on the store which read, "Windsom's potions and elixers." I just stared at the store wondering if this was really the place Tabitha was talking about. I guess I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. I started to walk towards the shop, when I was startled by a voice.

"Spare some change, young man?"

"Whaaa!" I yelped as I jumped back a bit getting into a defensive stance. I looked left, then right, but didn't see anyone.

"Down here," the voice said.

I looked down and saw an elderly man in a green tunic and brown pants sitting cross legged on the ground. He had thick uncombed peopled tinted hair that fell down to his shoulders. He looked at me with a small smile, and milky eyes. I looked at the old man up and down, wondering how I didn't sense him.

"Hehe, are you alright young man? You look like you've seen a ghost," the old man said.

"Y-ya sorry, I was just a little startled," I said regaining my composure.

"No need to be startled by someone like me. I'm just an old man trying to get some change," the old man said.

I looked at the old man with some sympathy and reached into my pocket to grab some change. "Are you sure you don't want any food as well?" I asked.

The old man looked at me surprised. "Haha, what a nice young man you are. But no, thank you though," He said.

I pulled out a coin, which he snatched up quickly out of my hand. "Thank you again young man!" The old man said holding up a silver coin.

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