Chapter 56

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Alea Araic POV

"Why aren't you a pretty little elf?"

My body stiffened as I felt a powerful presence. The voice was sinister, with a mocking tone. I looked to the left towards the sound of the voice. From one of the balconies, I watched as a hooded figure emerged from the darkness.

The hooded figure stood with a hunched posture. He had long, thin arms that dangled by his sides, almost like his shoulders popped out of their sockets. He wore thick, dark bandages underneath a shabby black mantle that perched on his shoulders. The hood was tattered, with his messy bangs hanging out in the front. The figure had two obsidian horns that protruded out of his head.

'Horns? Arthur said a thing with horns attacked him and that dragon, what was her name? I can't remember now, but, could this be the same thing? I could tell he... it was powerful.'

"Identify yourself!" Olorin said as he and his men got into defensive postures.

I got my plant sword ready, preparing myself for an imminent attack. The hooded figure gave a sickening smile as he took a seat on the ledge.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Retainer Uto of Alacrya. I have come with tidings, and to give you all a warm welcome." Uto said as he clapped his hands together.

"Oh? And what message might that be?" I said as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Hehehe, oh no my little elf, I don't just give out information for free." Uto said with a sinister smile.

"Then what do you want? I suggest you speak quickly." Olorin said as he wrapped his daggers in water mana.

"Come now, what's the rush? Let's take some time and enjoy ourselves. I have been so bored waiting for this war to start. At least now I can have some fun." Uto said as his eyes scanned over us.

"War? So you intend to go to war with us then." I said in a defensive tone.

'So Bairon and Varay were right, but why are they sneaking around the beast glades, what are their plans?'

"And what are you doing in the Beast Glades?" I said raising my plant sword to him.

Uto just laughed, as if I was nothing but an insect to him. "I'm glad you asked. I was hoping to take this moment to monologue, telling you all about our plans and secrets. But I'm afraid I have said too much already. Tell you what, I have a proposition for you." Uto said.

"What kind of proposition?" I asked raising a brow.

Uto's smile widened, giving a toothy grin. "I'll give you two options. Option one, I'll let the soldiers live. All you need to do is bring me the broken body of the lady elf." Uto said.

I tensed up and looked at the men. However, not one of them moved, they continued to stay in their defensive stances, prepared to fight.

"Like hell we would do that." Olorin said, as his squad nodded in agreement. I smirked at Uto who just shrugged.

"Very well, then option two. I'll let the lady elf live, but all you need to do is kill all of your men. Hell, I'll even give you some information as well." Uto said looking at me.

"If you think we would turn on each other, you are dumber then you look." Olorin said.

"He's right, I would never kill my men. But, I will give you a counter offer." I said.

Uto raised a brow at this. "Oh? And what might that be?" Uto said leaning forward, almost intrigued.

"Tell us what we want to know, and we will go easy on you. We will make sure you are treated well, and no harm will come to you." I said with confidence.

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