Chapter 126

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Virion Eralith POV

"Excellent, Alea. Continue to monitor the border and report any updates." Alduin said as he spoke to Alea through a communication scroll.

"Will do, Your Majesty," Alea responded before the communication scroll disintegrated.

All the council members were at the floating castle in the council room. We had a giant map of Dicathen laid out, with Dicathen and Alacryan figurines on the map marking their positions. Soldiers ran in and out of the council room, providing us with more information as it came in.

"Did something happen in Elenoir?" I asked, a little concerned while looking at Alduin.

Alduin's gaze shifted to me, and he nodded, "Alea detected a few Alacryans who managed to slip past our border. She and Sebastian intercepted and killed the Alacryans. She also reported that she couldn't detect any further intruders. The border is currently secure."

I sighed with relief, "Good. Alea's sensory magic truly is second to none. I don't even want to think I could've happened if she wasn't there."

Alduin chuckled, "Agreed."

"Your majesties," A soldier announced as he walked inside the council room. We all looked to the dwarven soldier as they bowed. "Report from Darv. The Alacryans have moved on the defensive line. They're engaged with Dicathen forces as we speak."

My stomach dropped hearing the news, knowing the battle in Darv had begun. I kept my composure and nodded nonchalantly, "Thank you, dismissed."

The soldier bowed again and walked out of the council room. I looked back to the map, and Aldir moved the Alacryan pieces in Darv to the defensive line.

I turned my gaze toward Blaine, who was staring at the map, "Are Varay and Sapin's forces in place?"

Blaine's eyes flicked to me, and he nodded, "They are."

"Good. They'll be our last line of defense." I looked back at the map, with my eyes falling on Darv, "Let's hope the defensive line in Darv will hold."

"If not, we will hold them at the Sapin border," Priscilla announced. Her hands clenched in frustration, and her brows furrowed with worry. "We have to."

Pricilla and Blaine looked to the door, smiling with a sense of relief. I followed their gaze, and a wave of surprise and confusion washed over me as Kathlyn and Tessia walked in. Kathlyn stood next to Tessia almost protectively, while Tessia, on the other hand, looked shocked as her gaze locked on the ground at her feet. She had both of her hands resting on her abdominal area, and she looked deep in thought.

"Kathlyn?!" Priscilla and Blaine said joyfully.

"Tessia!" Alduin and Merial said elatedly.

They all walked over to the both of them and took their respective children in a hug. I was ecstatic to see my granddaughter here. One because it meant she was away from the wall and out of danger. Two, because it was good to see her. However, I couldn't help but worry that something has happened. She wouldn't come here without a good reason.

I walked down to everyone and joined my family in a group hug. However, I could feel something was wrong with Tessia. She continued to stand there, looking shocked, barely returning the hug. We all broke the hug, and Merial placed her hands on Tessia's shoulders and gave her a worried look.

"Tessia, are you ok?" Merial asked, a little concerned.

Tessia didn't answer; she just slowly nodded her head.

"What's going on?" I asked, looking at Kathlyn.

"The beast horde has arrived at the wall. Arthur, Alice, and Elion went to engage them in battle. Alice ordered Tess to be brought back here." Kathlyn responded.

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