Chapter 9

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Arthur Leywin POV

(A/N: I noticed we hit 1K views, to say thanks for your support and positive feedback, here are two more chapters. I will still post on Sunday and Monday, enjoy!)

I continued to follow the men by jumping from tree to tree. I masked my presence by containing my mana as Sylvia taught me.

I watched intently as they would continuously look around, as if making sure they were not being followed. The more I watched them, the more disgusted I was.

They talked about people like they were nothing more than toys. How they can pick someone up, and trade them off. I heard one of the men say something about them being slave traders.

I wasn't exactly sure what a slave was, but from how they talked about them, I knew it wasn't anything good. They would say things like, "slaves are just playthings to keep me entertained."

I knew they didn't have any good intentions when it came to the elf girl in the back of the carriage. If I can, I will save her. No, I must save her. She doesn't need to know the same pain I felt when my family was taken from me.

I will take her back home. Hopefully her parents are as loving and kind as my parents ar..... were.

I continued to follow these men until the sun began to go down, and the sky grew dark. I watched as the men pitched theirs tents.

Ok, soon it will be time to rescue her. I just need to wait for the perfect opportunity. Time to think of a strategy.


Pinky POV


"What is it boss?" I asked.

"You take first watch. Morgan and I are gonna take a break. Alex, stay up with Pinky, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

"Come on boss, I don't need a babysitter. Don't you trust me?" I said with a snide grin.

"After what happened with the last piece of merchandise. No." Boss retorted.

"It's not my fault that, that girl had the biggest boo.." I began before being cut off.

"Just shut you're damn mouth and do what you're told. I don't think I need to remind you what will happen if this merchandise is..... spoiled." He said.

"I'll behave boss, don't worry." I said.

The boss and Morgan proceeded to go inside their tents to sleep for the night.

I looked at Alex who was giving me a judgmental look. "What?" I asked irritated by the way he was looking at me.

"Just keeping an eye on you Pinky. I'm not dealing with the bosses anger, so try to behave." Alex said as he walked off checking on the hounds, who were chained to the front of the carriage.

Tsk, screw these guys. I can do what I want, when I want. They're lucky I even decided to come along with them in the first place. I'm the only mage here after all. I should just roast them all with my fire magic and take the goods for myself.

I would need to start with Alex. I began to walk to the front and noticed he wasn't there. I walked around to the other side of the carriage where I last saw Alex walking.

When I reached the other side I saw Alex lying on the floor with his throat cut.

I was about to yell for Morgan and boss when I suddenly felt something land on my head. My mouth was immediately covered and I felt a read hot pain emanate from my neck. I felt myself loose consciousness as darkness over took me.

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