Chapter 14

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Aya Grephin POV

I couldn't believe my eyes or my ears as I listened to this human boy named Arthur speak. A quadra-elemental, with a beast will and body of a dragon. Not only that, he carries the egg of a dragon. How could someone so young, already have been through so much, and be so powerful.

I could see the way the princess acted around him. It was different then how she acted around other children of this kingdom. I couldn't help but smirk at this. When elder Virion ordered me to take the boy to his room, and protect him, I did not hesitate. Who knows, this Arthur could be the future prince of Elenoir.

Usually I would be worried about the princess being in a relationship with a human. Especially since our races age at a different pace. However, Arthur isn't fully human, he's half dragon. He will age the same as Tessia, if not live longer.

I picked Arthur up and poked his nose while calling him cute, getting a giggle out of him. I could see the princess pout in the corner of my eyes which made me smirk.

As I carried him down the hallway, the princess would continually tell me to put him down. "Aya! Put Art down, he doesn't want to be carried!" Princess Tessia yelled while having her arms crossed.

"I don't know princess, I think he enjoys being held by little ole me. Don't you my dear Arthur." I said as I kissed his forehead which made him blush in embarrassment.

"Aya!!" Princess Tessia yelled. I couldn't help but laugh as we finally reached Arthurs room. I looked at Tessia who was staring at me red faced and arms crossed.

"Hehehe, why don't you go wash up in your room princess Tessia. I'll help Arthur get settled. I'm sure a nice bath would help you feel better. Unless you were hoping for Arthur here to join you." I said in a teasing tone.

Tessia's face got even redder then before as she ran off to her room. I laughed as I looked toward Arthur who I was holding, and he was almost as red as Tessia.

"Awe, is someone embarrassed?" I asked teasingly. Arthur looked at me and stuck his tounge out. "That was mean, um, miss Aya." Arthur replied still red faced.

"Miss Aya huh? *giggle* You can just call me Aya, or big sister my little Arthur." I poked his nose causing him to blush and smile again.

I opened Arthur's door and walked inside. I took Arthur's bag off my back, and put Arthur down. I showed Arthur around the room showing the bathroom, where to put his clothes.

"If there is anything you need Arthur, don't hesitate to ask. I can be quite fun to get along with." I said winking at him.

Arthur looked at me for a second confused. "You mean you like to play games? Do you like tag!" Arthur asked getting excited.

I looked at him and couldn't contain my laughter. "Hahahaha, I can play tag with you anytime Arthur. Why don't you go ahead and get cleaned up. Do you need any help with the bath?" Arthur shook his head. "Ok, then I'll see you later little Arthur." I leaned forward and kissed his forehead and walked out.

"*sigh* oh to be so innocent and young. Don't worry little Arthur, I'll keep you safe." I walked off to report back to the royal family.


Arthur Leywin POV

After Aya left I hopped in the bath and got washed up, just like mom showed me how. I walked out of the bath and found a pair of clothes on my bed nicely folded. I walked over to the clothes a little confused on how they got there.

"Are you out of the bath Arthur?" I heard Aya say from the other side of the door. "Ya." I said. "Good, I put some clothes on the bed for you. And don't worry, I didn't sneak a peak." Aya said as I heard her laugh and walk away down the hallway.

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