Chapter 47

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Tessia Eralith POV

I stood on the sidelines next to Claire and Curtis, while I had Sylvie in my hands. My focus was on the field as Art stood opposite of Clive and Lucas. Arthur gave a smug smile as he pulled out Regret from his dimensional ring as Clive and Lucas scowled at him.

"Do they really think they can beat the Captain? How foolish." I heard Curtis say.

"Ah, they can only hope." Claire said as she laughed a little.

I knew Art would be ok, but I still couldn't help but worry about him whenever he was in a fight, or spar. Plus, it didn't help that neither of his opponents liked him very much.

"Ready! Begin!" I head Professor Glory yell as she flew on Torch above.

Lucas conjured a flame guardian as Clive took a knee on the ground while knocking an arrow. Wind gathered around Clive's arrow as he shot it forward. Lucas's flame guardian ran forward towards Art. Art just smiled and he slammed his hand on the ground. A wall of water appeared in front of him, and moved forward towards Clive and Lucas.

Clive's arrow hit the wall where it stopped, just floating in the water. The wave collided with Lucas's flame guardian and exploded in a cloud of steam. Art stood as he waved his free hand, a gust of wind shot forward from him, pushing the steam towards Clive and Lucas.

Clive shot another arrow forward that was wrapped in wind magic. The wind surrounding the arrow swirled around dissipating the steam. The arrow continues to fly through the steam towards Art. Art swung his sword down chopping Clive's arrow in half. Lucas waved his staff and a giant fireball formed in front of him. Lucas hovered the fireball in front of Clive and whispered something to him.

Clive nodded and knocked another arrow wrapping wind magic around it. Clive shot the arrow forward which went through the fireball wrapping fire mana around it as well. The arrow flew towards Art wrapped in fire and wind magic, while Art look a little impressed at their combo move.

'How did they come up with that on such short notice?'

Art created a water barrier which blocked the attack, sending out a shockwave of steam. Art dissipated the water barrier and dashed forwards using Thunderclap Impulse.

Lucas slammed his staff to the ground creating a pillar of flame in front of Art. Art thrusted his sword forward and twirled in the air horizontally, while using water magic to create a water drill.

Art shot through the flame pillar which dissipated with a cloud of steam. When Art emerged from the cloud, Clive didn't hesitate to fire wind arrow after wind arrow. Art continued to run and dodge the arrows getting closer to Clive and Lucas every second.

Lucas swung his staff down sending out three fire bullets towards Art. Art swung his sword down hitting the ground conjuring an earth wall. Fire bullets and wind arrows hit the wall having no effect. I looked intently at the battlefield waiting for Art to come out from behind the wall, but he didn't.

'Where is he?'

Then I realized what he was doing and I smirked. I looked closely at the ground and noticed cracks form behind Clive. Suddenly Art emerged from the ground behind Clive. Clive turned around with wide eyes, but it was too late.

Art swung his wind covered sword hitting Clive in the side. Clive went flying and collided with the earth wall Art conjured. Clive's mana barrier broke, which signaled he was out of the fight.

Lucas clenched his jaw and scowled at Art. "Just you and me now Lucas. Do you want to surrender?" Art asked with a smug smile.

"You dare talk to me in such a way! How dare you!" Lucas yelled as he waved his staff. Three beams of fire shot out from in front of Lucas towards Art.

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