Chapter 71

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Arthur Leywin POV

"Arthur Leywin. When I get done with you, there will be nothing left," Bairon Wykes said with a voice of hatred.

He glared at me with murderous intent as he slowly started to walk toward me. "What is the meaning of this? Stand down, Bairon!" Curtis yelled.

"Shut up! He killed my brother! He will die in agonizing pain!" Bairon yelled as a lightning spear formed in his hand. My eyes went wide as he threw the spear at me.

"Arthur!!" I heard multiple people yell. I tightened my hold around Tess and stomped my foot on the ground erecting an earth wall between Bairon and me. The spear hit the wall creating an explosion. The wall was destroyed, sending out a shockwave and knocking Tess and me back.

I lost my grip on Tess as she rolled away from me. After sliding a few feet, I look around in a panic while lying on my back. My eyes fell on Tess, who was laying on the ground a few feet to my left. I smiled in relief as she didn't seem to be injured. Grandma quickly moved to Tess, kneeling next to her as Tess slowly sat up.

"Sylv, stay with Tess!" I yelled.

"But Papa, I can help!" Sylvie yelled.

"No. Protect Tess, please!" I yelled.

"Ok," Sylvie said hesitantly as she stood in front of Tess.

My eyes turned back to Bairon as he slowly walked towards me. "Mother, do something!" Tess yelled in a panic.

"My body is fatigued; I can't undo my seal again just yet!" Mom said as she ran to me. Mom kneeled next to me, looking me over for injuries. She then looked at Bairon with rage-filled eyes. "Stay back!" Mom yelled.

"I suggest you get out of the way unless you want to die, too," Bairon said as he formed another lightning spear in his hand.

"Get back, Mom," I said as I slowly stood up.

"Arthur, no, he's a Lance. A white cor..." Mom began but stopped. "Arthur? When did you..." Mom's voice trailed off as I could feel her looking into my core.

Bairon saw my mom's confused expression and looked at my core as well. A look of surprise crossed his face before turning to rage. "White core or not. I'm going to kill you and leave nothing behind," Bairon said as lightning wrapped around him.

"Bairon! Stand down! That's an order!" Curtis yelled again.

"To hell with your orders!" Bairon yelled as he threw his lightning spear at me again.



Tess and Sylv yelled as I stomped on the ground again, creating another earth wall. I shot out a cone of wind magic from my hand as I pushed mom away to safety while wrapping myself in mana. The spear hit the wall creating another explosion and sending out a shockwave. This time, I was able to withstand the shockwave thanks to the mana wrapped around me.

"I will kill you if you hurt him!!" Tess yelled as tears fell from her eyes. She tried to stand up, but Grandma and Claire kept her kneeling on the ground.

"Don't! Stay down, Tess!" Claire yelled.

"Shut up. Maybe instead of killing Arthur, I'll take away something he holds dear. Maybe I'll start with you, elven princess!" Bairon yelled.


Sylvie roared at Bairon's threat as she took a defensive stance in front of Tess.

My eyes went wide, and I felt rage build inside me at the thought of him harming Tess. "Don't you dare touch her!" I yelled as I formed an ice sword and wrapped it in lighting magic.

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