Chapter 41

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Tessia Eralith POV

I stood with the rest of the student council and Grandma as Arthur took the podium. I couldn't help but mentally laugh at seeing Sylvie on top of Art's head. His eyes glanced over to me, and I felt a fluttering sensation in my stomach. I shot him a wink for good luck, and watched him give a small smirk. He then turned to the crowd, and I saw him take a breath. I could tell he was a little nervous.

'Don't worry Art, you got this.'

"Your speech was great by the way, you sounded gr-"


I shushed Clive before he finished. There was no way I was going to miss listening to Art's first speech. I watched as he raised his hand and snapped his fingers placing a sound barrier over the crowd. I smirked seeing how the crowd fell silent. I heard Art clear his throat, and begin his speech.

"Good morning, I am Arthur Leywin, captain of the disciplinary committee." Art used sound magic to amplify his voice, and boy did he sound good. "As the captain of the disciplinary committee, it is my duty to ensure the security of the academy, and the safety of the students. Many of you may look at me and ask how a human boy like me will ensure this. Well, not only am I the captain of the disciplinary committee, I am the continent's first quadra-elemental mage, with deviants in all four elements." Art began.

Art lifted his hand, and four orbs consisting of each element formed in his hands, and circulated around each other. I saw several of the student's give looks of disbelief towards Art. But the thing that had me concerned, were the looks I saw from the female students. They looked at Art like some snack they wanted to devour.

I looked back at the members of the disciplinary committee and saw they also had shocked faces, except for Feyrith, Claire and Theo of course. My eyes then fell on a dark navy colored haired girl who stood in front of the rest, with her uniform more decorated then the rest. I assumed she must be his vice captain. She was pretty, I'll give her that, but I didn't like how she looked at Art. I looked back to Art who dispelled the orbs.

"As the continent's first quadra-elemental mage, I will use my abilities to uphold my oath, and protect those who cannot protect themselves. Me being raised in the elven kingdom of Elenoir has given me the insight to not see anyone based on their race, sex, or social status. That being said, I will not tolerate bullying of any kind, and will deal with such issues with extreme prejudice. Should you decide to test me on this, just know, you will fail." Art said in a voice of conviction.

I saw looks of fear on the faces of some of the students. *Tch* I heard Clive click his tongue, and saw he had a slight scowl on his face. I just rolled my eyes at this.

'How can he be this much of a dick?'

"Should you want to test the strength of the disciplinary committee, then go ahead and challenge us to a duel. We welcome the challenge, and are eager to show our strength. Now, without further ado, welcome to Xyrus academy." Art finished and many of the students stood and clapped as the sound barrier fell. I and the other members of the student council clapped as well, though, Clive just clapped slowly like he didn't mean it.

Art glanced my way and I couldn't help but give him a smug smile. He looked and sounded so good up there, god I love him.

"So, Arthur was raised in the elven kingdom huh? Did you already know him before you both came to the academy?" I heard Clive ask with a hint of irritation and curiosity.

I just let out a sigh. "Yes, I did, and we were taught under the director together. And don't forget, that's Captain Leywin to you." I said with irritation clearly in my voice. I was so fed up with how he treated Art so far. Clive just let out a huff.

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