Chapter 92

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Alice Leywin POV

"Interesting," Ducard said as he looked at the crystal.

"What is it?" Arthur asked, concerned.

Curiously, I approached Ducard as he looked into the seer stone. I looked at the stone, and my eyes widened, and my stomach dropped at the sight. Tessia and the Trailblazers were in a dungeon, and a large group of Alacryans had appeared. What made it worse was that a Retainer was with them.

"What's going on?!" Arthur yelled, obviously concerned and losing his patience.

I looked at Arthur with a serious expression. His training is complete, and he has the strength, skill, and power to fight a Retainer. Perhaps this is a perfect moment to introduce him to the war.

"Tessia and the Trailblazers are currently standing against a large group of Alacryans. They're currently outnumbered, and they also stand against a Retainer." I said.

Arthur grew wide-eyed, "What?! They need help! Send me! This is what I've been training for, right!"

"It is, but keep a calm mind, Arthur. Do not let your emotions get the better of you." I said in all seriousness.

Arthur looked at me for a second before he closed his eyes and took a breath, composing himself. He opened his eyes, showing an apparent change of demeanor, and radiated confidence. I smiled, seeing how strong he has become mentally. Arthur covered himself in his scale armor and took Despair out of his dimensional rune.

"I'm ready to go," Arthur said confidently.

I gave Arthur a proud smile and nodded. I looked back to the crystal and studied the surroundings. I placed my left hand on the crystal and lifted my right hand. I activated my spatium rune and twirled my right-hand index finger as an amethyst portal appeared in front of us.

"This portal leads to the Trailblazers. Go, show the Alacryans your power." I said proudly.

Arthur nodded before he stepped through the portal. Once he was through, I waved my hand and closed the portal. With the portal closed, I walked to the center of the palestra and looked at all the Djinn masters, who were all looking at me. Ducard stored the seer stone away and clasped his wrists in front of him.

I bowed slightly, "Thank you all. I'm grateful for you training my son."

Ducard nodded, "He has the strength, skill, and power to take on their elite warriors. But he is not invincible, Alice. Even though he is stronger with his dragon body, not even he can take on an Asura of the Vritra clan. Keep an eye on him."

"I will; he is my son, after all," I said with a smile.

Ducard nodded, and I cut off the supply of aether to the crystals. I watched as one by one, the Djinn masters began to disperse and fade away back into their crystals.

I looked at Ducard and gave him a sad smile as tears filled my eyes. Ducard gave me one last nod before he faded back into the crystal.

I sighed, feeling alone, "I miss you, Father."

I wiped away a tear that fell down my cheek. I knew it was only the memory of his conscious, but it was good to hear his voice again.

I quickly composed myself as I knew I had to alert the council of Arthur's return. I activated my spatium rune, lifted my right hand, and twirled my finger, creating a portal to the council room in the floating castle.

I stepped through the portal into the council room and was met with Varay standing in front of the portal, pointing an ice sword at me. I looked around the council room seeing all the council members standing, looking at the portal with cautious eyes. Next to Virion was Aldir and a little girl with wheat-colored hair and golden eyes.

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