Chapter 4

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Arthur Leywin POV

"I am the one who saved you from the cliff, my name, is Sylvia."

I looked at the black armored figure in front of me while trying to comprehend what I am seeing. After a few seconds of seeing the figure, and letting it process in my mind, I came to one conclusion.

"MONSTER!" I yelled as I pointed at the figure who called herself Sylvia. I tried to crawl backwards but found myself already against a wall.

I looked at the wall, and then back to Sylvia who looked at me for a second with a surprised look. Sylvia then proceeded to laugh uncontrollably while holding their stomach.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!" She continued to laugh for a few minutes before she managed to calm down. Her laugh however, it didn't scare me, her laugh was sweet and warming.

"My dear child, didn't your mother ever tell you not to call a lady a monster?"

At the mention of my mother, I felt myself stiffen as a wave a grief washed over me. I looked down to the floor feeling a pit inside my stomach missing my mom and dad.

Sylvia seemed to notice this, and her smile faded. She quickly stood up, walked over to me, and kneeled in front of me. "I'm sorry child, I didn't not mean to upset you."

"*sniff* it's *sniff* alright. You didn't know." I said.

"Didn't know what, young one?" She asked curiously and worriedly.

I looked up at Sylvia who was kneeling next to me while I had tears in my eyes. "My mom and dad, they're...... they're gone. They died protecting me." I said with a solemn tone while tears escaped from my eyes.

Sylvia's face softened as she looked at me with a sense of pity. Her giant hand came close to my face, and I flinched for a second before I felt her wipe away my tears.

"I'm so sorry dear child, no one should have to go through such an ordeal at such a young age." She continued to kneel next to me, and comfort me while I continued to cry.

I eventually just laid down, and felt my eyes grow heavier as I got tired. I felt myself slip away as I feel sleep while being comforted by Sylvia.


I woke up curled into a ball, laying on the ground. I sat myself up and looked around. I noticed I was still in the cave where I met Sylvia. "Oh good, you're awake." I heard Sylvia say.

Sylvia walked over and place a fruit next to me. "Eat this young one, you need to stay healthy."

I looked at the fruit and picked it up. I looked at Sylvia with a questioning gaze. "I don't know, my mom told me I shouldn't accept things from strangers." I said.

Sylvia looked at my surprised and she laughed again. "Well she sounded like she was a smart woman." Sylvia said.

I looked down and smiled while a tear escaped my right eye. "She was." I whispered to myself remembering my mom.

"Sylvia, my name is Sylvia. What is your name child?"

I looked at her confused for a second, since she already told me her name. "Arthur, Arthur Leywin." I responded

"Well Arthur, it's nice to meet you. Alright Arthur, now that we know each other, we aren't strangers anymore now are we?" Sylvia asked in a happy voice.

I thought for a minute and looked at her and smiled, "I guess not! It's nice to meet you too Sylvia!" I said cheerfully.

I looked at the fruit I was holding in my hands. I examined the fruit and noticed it was a large oval sized purple fruit. The fruit shined and I could see my reflection in it. I looked at myself, auburn hair, azure eyes, and I saw my parents in me.

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