Chapter 94

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3rd Person POV

—————THIS CHAPTER IS 18+—————

"H-hey, Art." Tessia stuttered out with some nervousness.

"I uh, thought you'd be uh, sleeping in your own room t-tonight," Arthur said as he gulped. His eyes traced Tessia's body, mesmerized by how her body had developed.

Tessia just gave a nervous smile and shook her head back and forth a little as she began to walk forward. She walked slowly towards Arthur, placing one foot in front of the other, with her wrists clasped to the small of her back. Arthur's eyes watched her every movement, turning his body to fully face her.

"I just wanted to get washed up before I came over here," Tessia said as she got closer to Arthur.

"O-oh. W-well, there's a shower in t-this room too. You c-could've just w-washed up in here." Arthur stuttered with his heart racing as Tessia was almost right in front of him.

Tessia smirked as she came to stand right in front of Arthur. She shook a little with nervousness but tried to show absolute confidence. Tessia brought her hands up, gently grabbing Arthur's abdomen. Tessia's eyes fell to Arthur's abdomen, moving her hand intricately, feeling his well-toned abs. She bit her bottom lip in arousal, seeing how much he's grown.

Tessia began to move her hands higher, slowly tracing his body, as she guided her hands up to Arthur's chest. Arthur shook slightly as a shiver ran down his spine, feeling Tessia's angelic touch. Arthur stared at Tessia with a heavy blush with his mouth slightly agape, studying her with his eyes, feeling her every touch, and inhaling her intoxicating aroma.

Tessia's hands traveled up to Arthur's pectoral area, feeling his hard, tight chest. Tessia's eyes flicked to Arthur's as they stared into each other's eyes with lust. Tessia took another step towards Arthur as their bodies stood an inch apart. Tessia wrapped her arms around Arthur's neck and pressed her body against his.

Arthur flinched a little as Tessia pressing her body against his tonight; felt different than ever before. Arthur stared into Tessia's eyes as he raised his hands and gently placed them on her waist. Tessia smiled affectionately, feeling Arthur's gentle touch, sending shockwaves of desire down her body, as she knew what she wanted tonight.

Tessia pulled Arthur's head down, crashing her lips to his, sharing a deep passionate kiss. Arthur was a little surprised by the intensity of the kiss but didn't hesitate to return the kiss as Tessia added more pressure. Arthur's grip on Tessia's waist increased as he brought her closer, feeling her slender body against his. They held the kiss for a few seconds until Tessia broke the kiss, with their breathing slightly increased.

Arthur and Tessia stared into each other's eyes as Tessia brought her hands out from behind Arthur's neck. Tessia drifted her hands down to Arthur's chest, and she pushed him back. Arthur stumbled backward, letting go of Tessia, and the back of his knees hit the bed. Arthur lost his balance and fell onto his rear onto the bed.

Arthur looked at Tessia with surprise, seeing how forward she was being. Before Arthur could say anything, Tessia walked forward without breaking eye contact with Arthur. Tessia proceeded to climb onto the bed, placing one thigh on either side of Arthur, straddling his waist, as Arthur was in a sitting position. Tessia brought her hands back up as she caressed Arthur's face. Arthur and Tessia's hearts beat rapidly in their chests, with their breathing staggard from nervousness.

"I've missed you, Art. I've felt so alone without you." Tessia says softly as she stares into Arthur's eyes.

"I-I've missed you too, Tess. Not a day went by that I didn't think about you." Arthur said, placing his hands on her hourglass waist.

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