Chapter 111

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Caera Denoir POV

"What?" Arthur said, confused, as he looked at me with a raised brow. "You mean like meet them in battle?"

"N-No. not exactly," I said as I took a breath. I just couldn't help but be nervous, thinking about how he would react.

"Do you remember when I told you I had a Scythe mentor?" I asked.

Arthur nodded. "Yes, I remember. It was Scythe Seris if I remember correctly." Arthur said as he continued to look at me, confused.

"Yes, that's correct. Well, each Scythe has a retainer. And her retainer is Cylrit." I said.

"Ok? Where are you going with this?" Arthur asked, confused.

"What the ruby-eyed goddess here is trying to say is that she met Cylrit," Regis said matter-of-factly.

Arthur went wide-eyed as his eyes flicked to Regis, then back to me. "What?!" He yelled in shock.

His eyes flicked behind me, and I followed his gaze. Several people were looking at us, probably wondering what we were discussing. I looked back at Arthur, who grabbed Regis by the head, and me by the shoulder. Suddenly purple lightning wrapped around us, and we appeared somewhere else. I leaned forward a little as I felt queasy. Arthur caught me by the shoulders and helped me stand up straight.

"Sorry for the lack of warning. I wanted to get us away from prying eyes. And don't worry, the nauseous feeling will pass." Arthur said, holding me up.

I nodded as I looked around. I noticed he brought us to the edge of the camp, isolated from any prying eyes or ears. I felt Arthur let go of me as he took a few steps back. I looked at him as he crossed his arms across his chest and looked at me intently.

"Ok. Go ahead and tell me what's going on, Caera." Arthur said sternly.

I flinched a little at his voice and looked down, "Please don't look at me like that." 

Arthur's gaze softened, and he sighed.

"Aye, Princess, it's not what you think. Just hear her out." Regis said.

Arthur looked at Regis, then at me, and nodded. "Sorry, just tell me what happened," Arthur said gently.

I nodded as I took a calming breath. "When we returned to camp, and we all separated ways, I walked off to spend some time alone."

"I know. I sent Regis to make sure you were ok. I was worried about you." Arthur said.

I felt the corner of my lips rise slightly as I nodded, "Ya, thanks for that. Anyways, when I walked off, I decided to leave the camp to spend some time alone."

"What?! Caera, that was dangerous! You could've been ambushed!" Arthur said sternly.

I nodded, "Yes, I know, it was a mistake on my part. Anyway, can you please stop interrupting? This'll go by much faster if you just let me talk." I said as I gestured to him.

Arthur looked at me surprised before he chuckled and nodded, "Sorry, go ahead."

"Well, when I was off alone and venting, I was approached by Cylrit, Seris' retainer. He wanted me to give you a message. He said Scythe Seris would like to meet with you in regards to talking about ending this war," I said.

Arthur looked at me surprised as his mouth went slightly agape. He looked down and grabbed his chin as if deep in thought.

"She's telling the truth, Arthur," Regis said, getting his attention. "He met with her. She didn't seek him out. Though, I can't be sure about this Cylrit. I don't know what his true intentions are. It could be an ambush for all we know."

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