Chapter 82

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Elijah Warend POV

Three months later

"Fire!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

The Burim city defenders readied their spells and arrows and released their attacks. I watched as the attacks flew at the large group of approaching Alacryan bastards.

"Shields!!" I heard an Alacryan yell. A cluster of mana shields appeared in front of the group.


Our attacks hit the shields, resulting in zero casualties on the enemy side. I gritted my teeth as they continued to march forward. I turn around to look at the group of troops behind me. I knew we were outnumbered two to one, but we needed to give the city time to evacuate.

"Jason! How far along are we with the evacuations?!" I yelled.

"Evacuations are almost complete, captain! But we still need more time!" Jason yelled.

"How much longer?!" I yelled back.

"Half an hour!" Jason.

I gritted my teeth and looked back at the Alacryans approaching us. The conjurers and archers kept firing at the Alacryans with no effect.

"We may not be here in half an hour," I whispered to myself.

I clenched my fists in frustration. Mica and Dad were currently in Vildorial due to our intel saying the Alacryans would attack there. But someone made one substantial fucking mistake. I looked back to my troops with a severe expression.

"We need to give them as much time as possible! We need to charge them!" I yelled.

Some of the members looked at me with fear in their eyes. Others, with a look of determination, determination to protect their home.

"Why not stay on ranged attacks?" One of the soldiers said with fear in his voice.

"They have no effect! It's our only choice!" I yelled.

"We're with you, captain!" Several of the troops yelled. I nodded as I turned back to the Alacryans as I scowled at them.

"Alright, you Alacryan bastards, let's see what color you bleed," I whispered. I lifted my hand into the air and swung it down as I yelled. "Charge!!!"

"Ahhh!!!!" We all yelled as we began to run forward.

"Casters!" I heard the Alacryans yell. A volley of spells flew from the group of Alacryans towards us.

"Earth wall!" I yelled.

The earth magic users created a giant wall of earth in front of us. The spells collided with the wall, causing the wall to shake and crack. Once the noise died down, the earth magic users dispelled the wall. With the wall gone, we continued our advance toward the Alacryans.

"Charge!" The Alacryans yelled.

The group of Alacryans let out a battle cry as they charged forward. Both groups closed in on each other, weapons at the ready. I wrapped myself in magma armor and created a magma mace in my right hand.


Both groups slammed against each other, with the sounds of metal ringing in our ears. I swung my mace down at an approaching Alacryan who held a short sword. He yelled as his eyes flared at me. My mace connected with the Alacyans head, and I smashed his head to the ground creating a bloody ring on the floor. I lifted my mace as his brain matter leaked off the mace.

I looked to my right as an ice spike flew at me. I quickly created a magma wall blocking the attack. I dispelled my wall and looked toward the direction of the attack. I saw a young Alacryan female staring at me as she readied another ice spike.

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