Chapter 97

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Elijah Warend POV

The eerie silence was deafening. I looked to my right and left as I gazed at the two hundred soldiers who stood ready. We were set up on a cliff in Darv, just outside the defensive line in enemy territory. We wanted to push the Alacryans back a little and give ourselves some more breathing room.

I looked down the cliff and observed the large group of Alacryans down at the bottom. The cliff wasn't too high, as we were probably about seventy feet above the Alacryans. We stumbled upon them as we were scouting forward. If we wanted to expand our defensive perimeter, our first step would be to take them out.


I looked to my left as a young human male in worn-out iron armor approached me. He couldn't be any more than five years older than me, though; he certainly looked older from the stress of the war.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"The left flank stands ready." The soldier said.

I nodded as I looked to my right. I could see everyone in a ready position. Though, there was fear on some of their faces. I watched as some of their hands trembled. I couldn't blame them. The Alacryans proved to be a more formidable force than we realized.

"Right flank, are you ready?" I whispered.

Several of the soldiers turned to look at me as they gave a nod. I nodded back before I looked back towards the Alacryans.

'Alright, you Alacryan bastards. Here we come.'

I raised my hand in the air as everyone readied their weapons. I waved my hand down, and everyone let out a battle cry before jumping over the edge.

The Alacryans below looked up in surprise, growing wide-eyed at the sudden noise. Several Dicathen soldiers released a volley of spells mid-decent, crashing into the Alacryans below. I watched as several of the Alacryans were consumed by the variety of spells before their precious shields could react.

The wind mages worked in tandem, creating an updraft and slowing our descent. We all landed safely on the ground but didn't have a moment to waste. We caught the Alacryans by surprise and couldn't waste this opportunity.

"Charge!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I created a set of magma armor over myself, and we all charged forward. The Alacryans were quickly rallying and began to run towards us. I scanned the Alacryans and smiled, seeing the volley of spells released earlier dwindled their numbers. Now in front of us stood no more than a hundred soldiers. We outnumbered them two to one. The odds were in our favo-.


The ground shook, and a shockwave vibrated through my body. I went wide-eyed, seeing the ground in front of us collapsed. We all came to a halt as we gazed upon what just happened intently. A large gap in the earth had opened up in a large rectangular shape. The earth in the gap was slanted as if acting as a ramp. We soon started to hear yells coming from the hole in the earth and took defensive stances, not knowing what to expect.

I watched as the Alacryans that were charging at us before stood in an attack formation to the side of the hole. I focused on the gap and went wide-eyed.

Suddenly, a large group of approximately three hundred soldiers began to run out of the hole, yelling battle cries. But what surprised me the most was that they weren't all Alacryans. Several Dwarven traitors stood among them. After Rahdeas' betrayal, several Dwarven families joined the Alacryans.

"Where the fuck did they come from!"

"They ambushed our ambush!"

"Shit, we're outnumbered!" I heard several men yell.

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