Chapter 125

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A/N: I'm beyond words. If you had told me when I first started this story that I would reach 200K reads, I would've thought you were lying. Thank you all so much for sticking by and reading my story. Here's a chapter to say thanks! - Lance

Aya Grephin POV

"Move those ballistae forward!" I yelled, amplifying my voice with sound magic.

Soldiers moved all around me as I stood at the defensive line. I needed to ensure our defenses were ready, preparing ourselves for an imminent attack. I could see the fear on the soldier's faces, but I needed to remain strong. If I were to falter, so would the soldiers.


I looked to my left, seeing Elijah walk up to me.

"Hello Elijah, are the barricades in place?" I asked.

Elijah nodded, "They are. We've also finalized placing the traps." His lips curved up into a confident smile. "The Alacryans won't know what hit them."

"Good work," I said, looking back at the soldiers. They were currently moving the ballistae and catapults into place. I wanted to keep the Alacryans away from the barricades as long as possible. Thin out their ranks before we clashed.

"How's everything going with them?" Elijah asked, looking in the same direction.

"We're moving as quickly as possible." I let out a worried sigh. "I'm just hoping it's enough."

Elijah looked down and clenched his fists in frustration, "It has to be."

I looked back to Elijah and felt a pain in my heart seeing his facial expression. He no longer looked like the boy I had met so long ago. The years of fighting have taken their toll on him.

"I'm sorry, Elijah," I said sympathetically.

Elijah looked at me, his brows raised in surprise. "For what?"

"For what you've been through. This isn't a fate I wished on you. On anyone." I looked up to the earthen roof and sighed. "This war, I just want it to end."

I looked at Elijah curiously as I heard him chuckle. "You and me both. When I attended Xyrus Academy, I pictured my future differently. I had thoughts of growing old with Kathlyn and raising a family. Now, that all depends on surviving this war." Elijah said, with a slight smile on his face.

I smiled upon hearing his words. It sounded like a beautiful dream. A dream I wanted to see come true for him.

Elijah's gaze fell before he looked at me inquisitively, "Do you think she's okay?"

"Kathlyn?" I asked with a slight head tilt, getting a nod from Elijah. I sighed, "I'm not going to say yes or no. All we can do is hope, Elijah. I know you know she's at the wall."

Elijah's gaze flicked down, "And they have their own problems to deal with. This beast horde will be there soon if it's not there already."

"True. But Arthur, Alice, and Elion are all at the wall. We have to trust our friends, believing that they will defend the wall." I said reassuringly.

Elijah nodded and looked back to me, "I wonder how Arthur is doing. I haven't seen him for a long time."

I smiled at the thought of little Arthur, "Neither have I. Alice reassured me he was doing fine, though. I look forward to seeing him aga-"

I stopped as an immense shiver ran down my spine. I felt the floor vibrate, and everyone around us seemed to stop moving. Everyone became dead quiet, allowing me to hear the sound of thousands of footfalls. My eyes widened, my stomach dropped, and my heartbeat quickened.

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