Chapter 112

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Alice Leywin POV

A/N: Okay, so. I totally forgot what day it was and didn't update. My bad!

"Captain, we have one shipment of rations currently ready and another one in progress." Julie, one of my soldiers, reported to me.

I nodded as I looked down at the clipboard in my hands. I was reading over the supply report about which teams were returning today. I read over what supplies they were requesting and what supplies we currently had available.

"Very good. Let's try to do an item count of the rations before we finish making another shipment. I want to verify how much we have." I said, looking at Julie.

Julie was a young human female, maybe eighteen years old. She had blonde hair with, green eyes and freckles. She smiled as she nodded.

"Yes, Captain, I'll relay the information," Julie said as she turned and walked off.

I looked around as I watched the supply unit hustling. Ever since I joined the unit, I have been able to get us organized. Plus, our delivery times have been phenomenal because of my portal capabilities.

"Captain Leywin." I heard a male voice say.

"Yes?" I said with a smile.

I looked toward the voice, and my eyes fell on one of the wall sentries approaching me. My smile soon faded as I saw he was injured and covered in blood.

"What happened?" I asked, concerned.

"Another Alacryan attack at the wall. But this time, they had a heavy amount of mana beasts. We have several wounded in our medical area. I've been sent to see if you can assist." They said.

"Of course, I'll be right over there," I said, getting a nod from him.

I looked back to my squad as my eyes fell on a familiar set of dark-colored hair. I walked up to her as she proceeded to give out orders.

"Kathlyn," I said, getting her attention.

She looked at me and smiled, "Hello Alice."

"Sweetheart, can you please take over for a bit?" I asked.

Kathlyn tilted her head curiously, "Are you going somewhere?"

I nodded. "There was another siege at the wall. We have injured soldiers, and I've been asked to go help them out with healing."

Kathlyn's brows raised in surprise before she gave a determined nod, "Don't worry, I can handle it."

I smiled, "Thank you. I have them doing a ration count right now before they put another supply shipment together. Please make sure it gets done." I said, getting a nod from Kathlyn.

I gave Kathlyn the clipboard before I turned and followed the sentry to the supply tent. As we approached the supply tent, I noticed several injured soldiers lying outside in triage.

"They ran out of room inside the tent. That's why there are wounded out here," The sentry said, looking at all his wounded comrades in despair.

I nodded as I approached the men. Several of the injured men looked up at me, and I could see several were missing limbs.

"Are there any more injured still outstanding?" I asked, looking at the sentry.

They shook their head, "No. We congregated everyone here. The dead have been taken elsewhere."

I nodded as I looked back at everyone. I took in a breath as I activated my vivum rune. Amethyst energy coiled around my hands in a warm, radiating sensation. I waved my hands, shooting the energy out, watching it wash over all of the injured soldiers.

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