Chapter 99

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Virion Eralith POV

"A-Are you certain?" I asked, trying to keep my composure.

"Beyond a reasonable doubt Commander. I heard the retainers call them by their titles. And.." Aya's voice cut off as I listened to her through the communication scroll.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Aldir watching me while sitting on the couch in my office. I was doing my best to stay calm, but it was difficult with the storm of anxiety and fear at this news.

"And what, Aya?" I asked.

"Their power Commander. I've never felt anything like it before. They're definitely far stronger than any opponent we have faced before." Aya said in a shaky voice.

'She's rattled. She's never rattled.'

"Even stronger than the one who killed Mica?" I asked as the memory of the reports of her death surfaced in my mind.

Aya nodded, with a flash of anger skipping over her facial features, "By far. He was there as well. The power difference between them was astonishing." 

I took a breath, trying to stay cool, calm, and collected, thinking about everything Aya just told me. "And Bairon? Has he recovered from his encounter with the retainer?"

Aya's face contorted into a disgusted look as she shook her head. "No. He's been drowning himself in alcohol. He's been nothing but a drunk ever since the encounter. He's been useless." 

I sighed deeply in frustration and pinched the bridge of my nose, "I see."

"I'm going to increase our defenses around Vildorial. I'll reinforce the defensive line as well," Aya reported before her eyes fell into a downcast gaze. "Hopefully, it'll be enough for now."

I nodded, "Maybe I'll see about replacing Bairon as well." 

"With whom?" Aldir chimed in.

I looked at him, thinking of possible replacements. Unfortunately, there weren't many. "Perhaps with Varay." 

Aldir shook his head, "No. If Bairon truly is in a broken state, we cannot replace him with Varay. Varay is needed here to protect Sapin and the council. If you replace her with Bairon, and we are attacked, you will be left defenseless. Alea is needed in Elenoir to detect any enemy forces in the forest of Elshire, and she is the only Lance there. Elion is currently commanding the Beast Glades and the Wall. And Arthur is fighting in the Beast Glades."

I sighed in frustration, knowing he was right, "We can't send Alice either. With her portal ability, our supply distribution has been faster and more efficient. She is vital for the supply unit." A tempest of thoughts and ideas was going through my head, "Maybe, we should consider evacuating Vildorial."

"Abandon Darv?" Aya asked in the communication scroll, sounding surprised.

"No. We must continue our resistance there. Maybe stick to attack and retreat tactics. Just enough to keep their attention on Darv. If we leave Darv, then nothing is stopping them from turning their attention to Sapin or Elenoir." Aldir said.

"That makes sense. I can create a strike squad for that very purpose. Olfred and I will also work on the defenses." Aya said.

"Good. And Aya, one more thing." I said.

"What is it, Commander?" Aya asked curiously.

"If these Scythes are as strong as you say, do not engage them in battle if it can be helped. We can't afford to lose you too." I said, genuinely concerned for her.

Aya nodded and gave a small smile, "I understand, Commander." 

I gave her one last nod as the communication scroll ended. I leaned back in my chair as I rubbed my temples, trying to soothe my headache.

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