Chapter 17

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Virion Eralith POV

I woke up early to get ready for the brats training. I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see how fast he can learn. I got out of bed, and did my morning stretches. After stretching, I washed up and got dressed in some training attire.

I walked down the hallway towards the brats room. When I reached his door, a sinister idea came to mind. I walked to the hallway janitorial closet, and grabbed a bucket. I then walked to the bathroom, and filled the bucket full of water. I walked back to the brats bedroom door, and readied myself. "Time to wake up brat." I whispered to myself.

I swung the door open, and flung the water from the bucket, which drenched the bed and the...... two occupants? I watched as both Tessia and the brat quickly sat up, looking shocked at what just happened with wide eyes.

Both of them looked confused, until both of their eyes landed on me. The brat looked at me confused, probably wondering why I just drenched him with water. Tessia on the other hand gave me the look of an angry mana beast, who was about to kill its worst enemy.

"Uh..... good morning you two." I said sheepishly. "Grandpa! You got us soaked! What are you doing!" Tessia yelled. "Oh now now little one, a little water won't hurt either of you. Plus, I was just trying to wake up the brat for his training. I didn't think you'd be in here again. Couldn't sleep without your husband huh?" I said with a grin.

Tessia got red faced while the brat looked away blushing. Tessia grabbed a light emanating artifact off the nightstand, and threw it at me, which I dodged easily. "Hahahaha, gotta be faster then that little one! Brat get dressed, we are gonna start your training." I said as I began to walk out.

"Can Tess come too?" The brat said, stopping me in my tracks. I looked back at them, and saw Tessia also wanted to know if she was invited. I gave them both a small smile. "Yes of course she can, but she may be a little bored since she hasn't awakened yet."

"Awakened?" Arthur asked looking confused. "Get dressed brat, I'll explain everything outside."

I walked out to the courtyard, where I was setting everything up for the brats training. I brought two wooden swords with me, and a practice dummy. After a few minutes, I saw Tessia and the brat walk into the courtyard holding hands. Seeing this gave me a smile as I saw the happy look on Tessia's face. Seeing my granddaughter this happy has brought a warmth to my heart, and has made me forever grateful to the brat.

Tessia let go of the brats hand, and went to sit under the tree while the brat walked up to me. "Alright brat, so first off, you asked me about why Tessia couldn't train with us. It's because she hasn't awakened yet. Do you know of mana cores?" The brat nodded at my question.

"Good, mana cores form naturally, some form earlier then others. We elves tend to awaken pretty early, around eight. Humans awaken a little older when they're around twelve or so. Tessia's mana core hasn't formed yet, which is why she can't use magic." I said matter of factly.

Arthur tilted his head with a curious look. "Is it possible for someone to awaken earlier? Like I did?" I looked at him for a second pondering his question.

"To be honest, you're the first one I've ever heard of who has awakened so early. So I don't think it's possible. The mana is absorbed into your body naturally, and at its own rate." I replied.

The brat nodded, but soon tilted his head again looking at me. "Grandma Sylvia taught me how to absorb and transfer mana into objects. Could this be used on people to speed up the mana core forming?"

I thought about this for a second. "I don't believe so brat. At least I've never heard of it." The brat looked at Tessia who smiled back at him. "Hey Tess, can you come here for a second?"

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