Chapter 86

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Tessia Eralith POV

Three months later


The giant crab-like beast roared. We were currently in a fight against the sunken depths dungeon boss. It was a AA class beast with four claws. Each claw was wrapped in water, with water spikes protruding from its back.

"Earth mages, again!" Helen yelled.

The earth mages worked in tandem as everyone surrounded the beast in a circular perimeter. Dust particles lifted from the ground and flew above the beast. The particles formed together, forming a giant earth spike.

"Gravity mages!!" Helen yelled.

The gravity mages increased the gravity around the spike, and it crashed down onto the top of the crab. The earth spike broke apart, and the crabs' shell cracked slightly.

The crab roared in anger as it waved its claws. Several water spears flew out from the crabs' claws toward members of our group.

"Claire, Lilia!" I yelled.

Claire and Lilia made their way toward me. We all raised our hands into the air as we combined our wind magic. We created a large wind barrier, which covered about thirty members of our party. Other group members did the same, protecting themselves from the Crabs' attacks. The crab roared again as it charged toward the group we were protecting.

"Move!" I yelled.

We dispersed the wind barrier as we scattered while the crab advanced towards us. As the crab drew near us, a barrage of magical attacks flew at the crab, from the other group members circled around the crab. The attacks struck the grab but caused no damage to its hard exoskeleton. The crab stopped in its tracks and looked around at the other group members.

"We need to crack that armor! Earth and gravity mages, again!" Helen yelled.

The earth and gravity mages worked in tandem again, creating another large earth spike above the crab. The gravity mages increased the gravity on the earth spike, and the earth spike crashed into the crab again with significant impact. The earth spike shattered again as it hit the crab. The crab's exoskeleton cracked some more, spreading over the top of its shell.

"Caera is that good enough?!" Helen yelled.

"Let me try; give me a boost!" Caera yelled as she dashed forward.

Several wind mages gathered wind underneath Caera. Caera jumped up with the help of the wind magic and propelled over the crab. While she was over the crab mid-air, black flames wrapped around her sword. Caera swung her sword down in a downward slash. A wave of black flames shot forward from Caera towards the crab. The flames hit the crab's cracked exoskeleton, and we all watched the black flames with anticipation.

Caera free fell to the ground behind the crab. Wind mages quickly gathered beneath Caera, creating an updraft and softening her descent. Caera safely landed on the ground feet first and looked at the crab with a narrowed gaze.

The black flames seeped into the exoskeleton's cracks, and the crab yelled in pain. Black flames burst from the crabs' eyes as the crab burned from the inside. The black flames rapidly spread across the crab, becoming fully engulfed. The crab began to run around toward our group members frantically.

"Scatter! Do not let the soul fire touch you!" Caera yelled.

The trailblazers scattered, staying clear of the crab as it fell to the ground. The crab's legs had already burned away to nothing, leaving the top half of its body. Slowly but surely, all four of the crabs' claws burned away, leaving only the body. We all watched as the body became smaller and smaller until only a tiny black flame was left. We all began to walk forward as the flame went out, leaving nothing left, not even ash.

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