Chapter 36

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Tessia Eralith POV

It's been a couple of months since Art was able to reunite with Mother, Father, and Ellie. To say everything was going well would be an understatement. I've been getting along great with all of them. They've accepted me with open arms. I can see where Art gets his good heart.

We've been going to his house almost every other weekend. It's been nice spending time and getting to know them. Ellie and I have gotten really close, she's like the little sister I always wanted. Mother and Father agreed to have Ellie learn from Grandma, but she would only come to the school three days a week. Grandma has been leaving the school every now and then; she wouldn't tell us where she has been going. One day she came back injured, but she wouldn't give an explanation no matter how much Arthur and I asked.

Last week the council announced they discovered a new continent about two months ago. Everyone was excited about the news. Who knows what we could discover! An artificer named Gideon, who also happens to be a teacher here, was tasked to find a way to travel there. However, I heard he hasn't been able to come up with anything as of yet.

Over these last couple months Grandma has been finishing up with our classes, and getting us ready for our leadership roles. Art and I agreed through Grandma's lessons it's best to be firm, but reasonable. Grandma was able to finalize the members of the student council. I was currently in the student council meeting room getting some paperwork done, as the members were supposed to meet here soon. We were to discuss a few things before school started next month. As I was waiting, I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." I said in a monotone voice.

The door opened and Lilia walked in. My cold demeanor washed away when I saw her walk in by herself.

"Lilia!" I said happily jumping up.

"Tess!" Lilia yelled back as she ran in. We ran to each other and shared a hug.

"It's good to see you, sorry Art and I couldn't come over last week." I said a little sad.

"Don't even worry about it, we understand, you and Art have been busy lately. How's everything going?" She asked as I just sighed.

"A lot of paperwork, but now that the student council will be here to help get everything ready, it should go by more smoothly." I said smiling.

"Oh good I'm glad, and I'm here to help, what can I do?" She asked happily. I walked over to the square table and showed Lilia the stacks of paperwork.

"I have the stacks organized into each subject. One for the secretary, one for the treasurer, one for the vice president, and one for me, being the president." I said pointing at each stack. "And the stack I have in the middle is the complete paperwork." I said pointing at the middle stack. "Wow, you got a lot done." Lilia said impressed.

"Yep, I've been going at it, that's for sure." I laughed.

"Ok, well I can get started on the secretary stuff since that's my job." Lilia said happily as I nodded smiling.

"Thanks Lilia, I appreciate it. Once you're done with the paperwork, give it to me and I'll approve it and give it to the director." I said happily. Lilia nodded and we sat down at the table with Lilia taking her stack.

I briefed her on her job and what she needed to too. Lilia said she understood and we got to work. We sat there working and laughing when I heard another knock at the door.

"By the way, I'm trying to be stern, so don't take offense to my tone." I said smiling. Lilia nodded at this.

"Come in." I said in a monotone voice.

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