Chapter 77

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Tessia Eralith POV

I was sitting in my room, irritated and bored out of my mind. After I asked Grandpa yesterday to join the trailblazers, he immediately said no. We ended up getting into a massive argument in front of everyone in the training room. I was just so mad he wouldn't even consider my request.

He kept saying I had no reason to join the war, that more than enough people were going into the dungeons. I accused him of treating me like a glass sculpture and said he wouldn't hesitate to send Arthur. He tried to defend himself, saying I was the Princess of Elenoir and had no reason to be on the battlefield.

When I tried to argue the fact that Kathlyn and Curtis were doing their part, he just yelled at me to stop. I just stormed out of the room and left, not even looking back as he yelled my name. I locked myself in my bedroom, where I've been ever since. Grandpa knocked on my door shortly after the argument to try and talk to me, but I didn't even answer him.

I let out a frustrated breath as I grabbed my engagement bracelet. "I wish you were here, Art. I could really use your company right now." I said to myself as I fidgeted with the bracelet.

*knock* *knock*

I just looked at the door and sighed as I heard someone knocking. I laid down in bed, ignoring them as it was probably grandpa trying to talk to me again. I didn't want to see him right now.

*knock* *knock*

"It's Cynthia." I heard grandma say. I looked over to the door and slowly got out of bed. I walked over to the door and slightly opened it. I peeked out into the hallway and saw grandma by herself. "Hello dear. Can I come in?" Grandma asked with a smile.

I opened the door and moved out of the way. "Of course, Grandma," I said. Grandma nodded happily as she walked into my room. As grandma walked in, she walked over to the vanity and pulled the chair out.

"Sit down, dear. Your hair is a mess." Grandma said.

"Gee, thanks, Grandma," I said as I walked over to the vanity and sat in the chair. I looked in the mirror and laughed at my reflection. Grandma was right. My hair was unbraided and all over the place.

Grandma picked up my brush off the vanity and gently brushed my hair. We sat there for a while, not saying anything, while grandma hummed a happy tune. My eyes flicked to her through the reflection of the mirror.

"Did you come to check up on me or to talk to me about Grandpa?" I asked.

Grandma chuckled a little. "Both, I suppose. I wanted to make sure you're ok, but also talk to you about yesterday." Grandma said as she put the brush down. She began to braid my hair in my usual style gently.

"He's being unfair, you know. All my friends are out there fighting, and what am I doing? Nothing. I'm just sitting here in the castle, being useless." I said with irritation clear in my voice.

I heard as Grandma took a deep sigh. "Tessia. It's not that he's being unfair. He's being protective. You are his only granddaughter. He's already lost his wife during a war. The last thing he wants is to lose you too." Grandma said as her eyes flicked to mine through the mirror.

I looked down, thinking about what she had said. "But still, everyone is taking risks," I said as I looked back up at grandma. "It isn't fair for me to stay here in safety while others put their lives on the line. What makes me so different." I said.

"Hand me a hairpin," Grandma said as she held my hair in place. I grabbed a hairpin off the vanity and handed it to grandma. Grandma placed the hairpin through my braid, keeping it in place. Grandma then walked to my bed and sat down. "Tessia, look at me," Grandma said.

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