Chapter 96

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Arthur Leywin POV

"Ow!!" I yelled as the emitter pulled another needle out of my face.

The older female emitter dropped the needle into the pile of needles she already pulled out from me, which was sitting off to the side, "Please try to remain still, General Arthur."

I was currently in the infirmary in the floating castle. After my "meeting" with Mom and Gramps, Mom told me to go to the infirmary to have the needles taken out. Mom refused to do it since she was still mad. She also said that if I used my vivum rune to heal myself, Gramps would beat me senseless with the cactus again. Luckily, the emitter already removed the needles from the rest of my body and was now working on my face.

My eyes flicked to the door to the infirmary as Tess burst in, "Art!"

I looked Tess up and down, noticing she had changed out of her silver dress. She now wore black leather pants with black leather boots with a green long-sleeve shirt with black leather chest armor. Black leather gauntlets wrapped around her forearms, which were complimented by her black leather shoulder guards. My face felt slightly warm as my eyes looked her up and down, thinking how good she looked.

Tess' eyes fell on me, and she looked at me concerned, "Art! Are you ok?"

Tess quickly walked up and knelt beside me as I was sitting down on the bed, with the emitter in front of me. Tess gently placed her hand on my left arm, looking at me in concern.

"Ow!" I winced as the emitter pulled another needle out. I smiled at Tess, "Well, I'm not dead, so that's good."

"One of the guards told me you were in the infirmary. I got concerned, so I immediately came over here." Tess' eyes narrowed in confusion, "What happened? Are those needles?" Suddenly her eyes widened as a look of realization formed on her face. "D-did grandpa beat you with a cactus?"

I sighed, "Yep.." I winced slightly when the emitter pulled out another needle. "While in the second phase of his beast will too."

Tess stared at me wide-eyed before she gave an irritated sigh, "I can't believe he would actually do that."

"Wel- ow!" My eyes flicked to the emitter, who gave an apologetic smile. I looked back at Tess, "Well, he always said he would." My lips curved into a smirk, "But... it was worth it."

Tess' cheek's turned rosy red as a small giggle escaped her soft lips. I lifted my left hand and gently caressed her face. Tess nuzzled her face into my hand, placing her hand on top of mine. I looked at her affectionately, admiring her, when I winced as the emitter pulled out another needle from my face.

"Alright, General, that's the last of the needles." The emitter said as she dropped the needle into a circular tin bin full of the other needles.

I gave the emitter a sincere smile, "Thank you."

The emitter nodded before she stood up and grabbed the circular tin bin, and left the room. Tess and I stood up, and I walked over to a pile of white towels. I picked up a towel and used water magic to dampen it before I used it to wipe my face off.

"Looks like we're going to have to get you a new uniform," Tess said, gaining my attention.

I looked over to Tess, seeing her looking at my Lance uniform shirt I had laid out on the bed. My eyes flicked to the shirt, seeing the tears and blood stains it sustained during the cactus beating. The pants I was wearing were in no better shape, as Gramps didn't hold back.

I shrugged nonchalantly, "No, it's fine. I'll just fix it up really quick."

Tess looked at me, confused, "How are you going to fix it?"

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