Chapter 123

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A/N: Hello, Everyone. First and foremost, I would like to apologize for my abrupt disappearance. To be honest, my motivation to continue writing my fanfics hasn't been too good since there has been an apparent drop in reads and votes throughout the entire FF community and my stories. Now, please don't take this as I am blaming you in any shape or form. I know the TBATE community has been on a decline, and it was expected to hit the FF fandom as well. But if you're reading this, it means you're sticking around, and I really appreciate that I really do. Reading your comments and interacting with you always brings me joy. As of right now, I'll try and post a chapter maybe once a week to keep this story going, but I am also planning an original story that I will be posting here on Wattpad, which I hope you will all love. Without further ado, here is the next chapter, and thank you, my dear readers, for sticking around. It really means a lot to me. - Lance.


Aya Grephin POV

My eyes were locked on the map of Darv, scanning it intently, "How are the evacuations going?"

The map was marked, with figurines positioned on the map, which represented both friendly and enemy forces. Between the figurines was a representation of the defensive line. Looking at the map, I could see how much ground the Alacryans had gained, and I couldn't help but feel like we were fighting a losing battle. But I still wouldn't give up until I gave my last breath.

I looked up at one of the captains named Davis, who approached the map. Myself, Olfred, Bairon, and two captains were currently in the war room. We were making sure we had all of our blindspots covered and bolstering our defenses.

"So far, we've evacuated most civilians out of Vildorial," Davis said, pointing to Vildoral on the map. He then pointed to Blackbend, "Most have made for Blackbend. We are still working on a few stragglers."

Olfred looked at Davis with a curious and serious gaze, "How much longer do you need?"

Davis sighed, "I'm hoping we will have all civilians out of Vildorial in the next two days. Some are more stubborn than others and are refusing to leave."

"We need them all out, Captain. We need to lessen the chances of collateral damage." Olfred said sternly.

"I understand, General. We are working as quickly as possible." Davis reassured.

I looked over to the other captain, Xavier, standing behind Davis. "Xavier, how is the defensive line looking?" I asked.

Xavier approached the map, "We've stationed more troops on the Easter flank, as that was our most vulnerable." Xavier reached down, moving friendly pieces on the map to the defensive line. "More ballistas and catapults have been placed in the center of the defensive line." Xavier picked up more pieces, placing them in the middle. He then gestured to the western flank, "Right now, we are still bolstering our western flank. We have two catapults and one ballista moving there as we speak. Magic traps have been placed along the perimeter."

"Any signs of Alacryan movement?" Bairon asked, stepping towards the map.

I looked over at Bairon to see he looked better than usual. His uniform wasn't dirty, but still wasn't completely neat. He had his hair brushed to the side and was freshly shaven. He looked a little pale and was sweating a little. Probably aftereffects from going through the withdrawals.

After Olfred and I kept a close eye on him and kept him off the alcohol, he started to pick up his slack. He's been trying to help out, probably to prove that he's still useful. Part of me still felt irritated with him for allowing himself to fall into despair and hurt the morale. However, I couldn't deny that he's been trying and has really stepped up lately.

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